
Ashes of an Empire

Alpha meeting by invitation



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-15-2024, 10:46 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2024, 11:45 AM by Avacyn. Edited 1 time in total.)

While the idea of leaving their young pups for a couple of days was not something she wanted to do, when she received Artorias' summons for a meeting of alphas she knew it wasn't without importance. One thing that heavily swayed her decision to go was the fact that Chimera and his family had brought the news of Ashen's disbanding, the former alpha and his family moving into Elysium. Things were shifting and changing everywhere–not just in her personal life. She did briefly consider asking Ikigai to go in her place as their diplomat, but she knew they were both in the same position of having young pups to look after so one way or another one of the new mothers of Elysium was going to have to go to Auster so it might as well be her. With Saracyn on pup duty with their mother at the ready to help with the trio of rambunctious pups, she set off for The Hallows to attend the meeting. The trip to the other end of the continent never got any easier, but she tried her best to move as quickly as she could so she could get there and back with as little disruption to her new family's schedule as she could.

She stepped into the castle and followed the sound of voices to the meeting room, finding quite the gathering of wolves already–some faces familiar and some not. Artorias sat at the head of the table, of course, and she spotted Kotori, Haydée, and Bellamy as she scanned the room. Some of the wolves, even if she wasn't familiar with them personally, she was able to pick out what pack they were associated with as she passed them to take a seat, giving Artorias a small smile and a dip of her head as she went. The massive, saber-toothed man had to be a relative of Sirius–she would have been absolutely shocked if he wasn't. Had the Warlord stepped down then? The scent of a couple of the younger wolves at the table matched Artorias' very closely so she assumed that these were a couple of his children that were sitting in on the meeting for one reason or another while she had to suspect that the dark coated woman with sunset hues across her coat and the man with a mix of gray, tan, and black were from the Raiders since their pack scent was the same as that she had smelled on Deluge. A small woman on the other side of the table from her had the familiar scent of Heiðinn on her and another orange splotched man that had a strikingly similar patterning to the Heiðinn woman was completely unfamiliar to her though surely had to be an alpha as well.

It was already quite the accumulation of individuals and she wasn't sure how many others had been invited. She settled into a chair at the intricately carved table, her dark gaze scanning the wolves around her and the topographical map that sat in the middle of all of them. She quickly picked up on the fact that there were markers where the packs resided–along with one that she wasn't familiar with. She had made a point over the last couple of seasons to at least make herself aware of all of the packs in Boreas and tried to introduce herself to their leaders when she could, but there seemed to be one she had either missed or had come into play recently. Curious, she looked to Artorias, giving the Hallows alpha her full attention.

"Avacyn Medacium"

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