
I'm Always Losing To Win

Avacyn! <3



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-15-2024, 12:05 PM

"We're doing well, thank you for asking," she replied as she greeted her friend, walking with her leisurely and waiting expectantly for what this visit was about. As she had kind of expected, this was far from a social visit. Haydée mentioned there was news to share and a favor to ask so Avacyn gave the small Leader her full attention, giving her a curious and slightly concerned look. She spoke about a raid on their pack from the Raiders–which was far from a surprise, given the history of the controversial pack–that had taken an unfortunate turn at the hands of Bellamy. She frowned at that, the expression creasing her brow. She knew Bellamy and knew from her conversations with Haydée about the difficulties Bellamy had been through, but maiming a pup seemed drastic even on the worst of days. She remained quiet as they continued to move slowly through the forest, letting Haydée continue to fill her in on the details.

By the time they reached the clearing near the edge of the island's central lake she had learned about Haydée's nephews and their misadventures and the ensuing fights and raid that had followed. With the mention of the marks that her friend spoke of she noticed the various scars that were new to her since they last met and her ears flicked uncertainly. She understood that she was only getting one side of this story and there were probably more details that would shed more light on how this all got so out of hand, but it already seemed like the young Leader was already beating herself up enough as it was so she didn't really want to press for more. Regardless of how everything had happened, it seemed like Haydée had come here in the midst of moving on from these unfortunate events so she didn't want to poke at old wounds.

She found a place on the soft grass to sit and gestured for Haydée to join her. "I'm sorry you've had to deal with all of this," she said genuinely. No matter what had set this series of events into motion she still didn't want to see her friend hurting or struggling. "You said you had a favor to ask... How can I help?" She'd always do whatever she could to help her friends, but it seemed like that was especially prevalent now. If it was something within her power to do then she would see that it was done.

"Avacyn Mendacium"