
What a fine mess this is



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
04-15-2024, 03:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2024, 12:32 AM by Rogue. Edited 2 times in total.)

Rogue was not a happy camper by any stretch of the imagination. Where once he had been a proud prince of the most noble and regal pack in all the world, now it had all gone to ash. His usurper uncle had forsaken his title, abandoned their lands and disbanded Ashen. It had been a horrific and (in Rogue's humble opinion) treasonous move. How dare he destroy everything his mother had worked to put together! And now their whole family was fractured, Kleins scattered across every corner of Ardent like beggars and vagabonds! Rogue had wanted to kill Chimera in that moment the announcement was made, and maybe he still would. The thought of sinking his claws through the treacherous snake's throat brought him a deep primal glee as he imagined exacting vengeance for his family—for himself...

But Rogue had been a good boy and behaved during the dissolving of his home. He'd stayed by his parents' sides as they watched their world disappear. He stayed by them as they moved what remained of the Kleins across the continent to their allies in Elysium. Even when his sister had gone her own way, Rogue chose to stay for now, if for no other reason than he had no idea what the fuck to do otherwise. Feeling so helpless, so lost in this limbo state, it pissed him off. Chimera didn't deserve to wear the name Klein after his shameful display as a leader. Hopefully his illness would claim him this time, slowly and painfully. That would be sweet, sweet karmic justice...

While the rest of Ashen's remnants got settled in, Rogue chose to keep to himself, moody and brooding out by the outermost lake of the pack. Being away from the masses on the island allowed him to stew in his own misery. He was a prince in title no more, only in memory and name. Fuck it, there were still plenty in these lands that recognized the reverence of the name Klein. He'd still introduce himself as a prince. Maybe some ladies would want to mingle with his royal bloodline. Hell, with no more formal ties to a pack and no more expectations to behave or conduct himself, maybe he'd just go off and be a playboy like his father had done in his youth. The thoughts swam about in his muddied brain while the giant wolf lounged out by the lake, enjoying the autumnal sunset as it slowly drifted into the violets and blues of early twilight.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.