
Something something first impressions




Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
04-15-2024, 04:17 PM

So he was a mutant. Nimue couldn’t hide the little scoff that slipped through her lips, her eyes narrowing slightly, as she continued to inspect him. There was a palpable tension building in the space between them; he felt scrutinized beneath her unwavering gaze, and she was wondering what he could use those mutations for. He’d already poked her with his ‘quills,’ he called them, cutting her paw wide open which was irritating. How could she combat something like that? And what if she came across something more dangerous. Shit. Could wolves here spit venom or something? Make lightning bolts come out of their eyes?

She shakes the thoughts from her head, focusing her attention back on Rogue who was giving some long explanation about his mom, his quills, his claws… whatever. She bit back the impulse to roll her eyes when he laid down near her, bringing himself to her level as if he was some giant and she was a tiny, helpless thing. I mean, he was a giant, but still. It did present a better opportunity for her to check out his quills, which she took without hesitation; leaning forward in her seat, carefully assessing them with a keen eye. They were diamonds alright; they shimmered in the sunlight, almost blinding her at first, with pointed edges that were sharp as hell. His claws were interesting too; his digits flexing with ease, as he unsheathed a row of razor-sharp, black diamond claws. They reminded her of a tiger’s claws; long, curved, exceptionally sharp. They were even retractable. “Weird. So, your moms a mutant too then." She’d say, acting uninterested; but the look on her face said otherwise. Her gaze was fixated on his paw, eyes widened slightly in wonder. How come she couldn’t have claws and quills? At the thought, a tinge of jealousy surges through her.

Now she was regretting offering her paw to him, but it was too late to retract it. He was already reaching forward and grabbing it, gently maneuvering it around to complete a thorough assessment. She watched him intently, apprehension mixing into her expression. Did he know what he was doing? Oh, he was talking about Chimera again. Calling him a borderline rapist with six wives and a superiority complex. Nimue felt a shiver run down her spine; was that really who Chimera was? She’d tuck the information away for later, so she could ask him about it. She’d be blunt as hell too.

“Well, he sat on me that day, so,” She’d begin, insinuating that she thought it was a pretty pervy thing to do. “Squished me beneath all that freaking-“ Her voice drops off, eyes widening as Rogue starts to lean in towards her. He was talking, and his tongue was coming out of his mouth and his lips were going straight for her paw and- “H-hey! Wait!”  She’d say, ripping her paw out of his, defensively pulling it into her chest. He was pulling back too, probably realizing how weird that was, and apologizing soon after. “I can deal with it myself,” She’d almost hiss, that labile mood of hers erring on the side of anger now. In reality, she was just embarrassed, and her face was flushed with heat. Some dude was about to lick her paw! Of course she was going to be embarrassed!

Standing up, she keeps her injured paw close to her chest, starting to limp away from Rogue and toward the treeline. “Keep your quills to yourself next time.” She’d say, looking over her shoulder at him. She can’t help but notice how his midnight fur is draped across his musculature, revealing every ridge and valley because it was slicked down. Hmpf. She needed to stay away from pretty boy.



Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!

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1. Something something first impressions Cryer's Ravine 12:03 PM, 03-12-2024 08:34 AM, 05-07-2024