
[Pack claim]Can't break our spirit so easy


The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-15-2024, 07:05 PM

In the aftermath of The Syndicates overtaking of Norad, Sephiran held a pack meeting; staking his claim over The Polar Sound and Ardens Glacies, and assigning his subordinates tasks to complete. Of course, Rhazien was crowned lead diplomat of the group; a role he falls effortlessly into, seeing he’s accustomed to being the face of their group. He’s the eldest too, the wisest of the bunch; and perhaps, the most level-headed. This made him perfect for the role. In the meeting, Elysia had expressed interest in joining him on his assignments, as he sought out knowledge of the existing packs in these lands. So far, he knew of the vikings, the Hallows, the Armada, and the raiders; but he’d only personally interacted with two out of the four. He needed more information; and why not start with the most southern regions, and work his way back up?

And so, he’d lead Elysia across the Bifrost, recognizing the blue male’s scent along the borders of the neighboring territories. Ahh, this must be The Hallows. Motioning for Elysia to follow, he keeps the girl close; his senses on high alert, scanning for any signs of danger. Artorias seemed like a man hellbent on erasing them from the earth; he couldn’t be too cautious, seeing they were walking around right outside his front door.

They’d enter the Aspen Dam next; memories of their overtaking trickling into his mind, as they continued their descent south. Next, was the falls; the rumbling of the waterfall echoing throughout the forest, adding an aura of tranquility which was ironic, seeing they’d uprooted the family that once lived here. Next, was a landscape of rolling grass hills, stretching as far as the eye could see; the hills rising and falling in arches, slopes adorned in an undulating sea of green, as the grasses rippled in the breeze. There was no pack here, which meant they would be moving on; at least, that was his plan, until a howl broke the silence.

Oh? How delightfully paradoxical this was; someone was staking their claim over this territory, inviting spectators far and wide to witness their rise to power. Shifting his gaze to Elysia, he ushers her forward with urgency; not wanting to miss such a crucial event in the ever-changing world of politics. He’d remind her of their purpose before they emerged from the foliage; they are just here to observe. Of course, that could quickly change, if they ran into a foe - they’d always react to violence with violence - only, they’d be vicious in their assault. A delightful possibility, no doubt.

Rhazien and Elysia emerge shortly after Artorias, and Rhazien’s gaze immediately falls upon the dire male. Ahh, he should have known he would be here. Still, Rhazien would stride forward, exuding that charming and characteristic aura, his tongue presumptively equipped with eloquence and persuasive charm. In his mind, he’s already calculating the degree of this encounter- the consequences it may have, if Artorias becomes enraged by his attendance. Still, he’d flash a smile at the male, nodding his head in acknowledgment before rumbling in those deep, baritones. “Artorias- greetings.” Externally, it may have seemed like a facade; but Rhazien was truly here to be a spectator, and nothing more. He’d even taken on a neutral stance; his shoulders relaxed, no tension in his muscles, his tail hanging in a loose position.

His attention shifts to the colorful girl standing in the center of the clearing- the source of the call, no doubt. She’s prideful and confident in her stance; head held high, standing tall and firm, commanding attention and conveying a sense of resilience. She’s trying to build this pack for a purpose, no doubt. Whether it be to harbor a home for her family, ensure havoc, set up a trading station, a market, or whatever it may be… Rhazien was simply here to find out her purpose and report it back to his Sultan.

Reclining to a seated position, Rhazien watches the girl with palpable interest; his two serval companions leaping down from his back, rubbing their bodies against his forelimbs, purring and trilling as they awaited a command from their master.  

Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. [Pack claim]Can't break our spirit so easy Silver Island 05:43 PM, 04-13-2024 09:33 PM, 07-03-2024
2. [Pack claim]Can't break our spirit so easy The God's Garden 09:33 PM, 07-03-2024 12:15 AM, 04-16-2024