
Hi There



03-10-2013, 09:07 PM
Loccian had been in her own little world, zoning out with her paws carrying her who knew where. It wasn't until she heard a voice that her ear flicked to the side and her body suddenly froze, eyelids blinked before her grey gaze moved off to he side to be greeted with the sight of the young prince, Maverick.

Immediately she cleared her throat and dipped her head to him in greeting, straightening herself out and holding her head at shoulder level, something she hasn't stopped doing since joining Seracia. It was just a habit. "Hello young prince," She spoke in a soft tone, turning to face him with a small but shy smile. His comment on the day caused her to lift her head to look up at the sky for a few seconds then look out over the land with a nod of her head. "It is beautiful indeed. I apologise for earlier," She replied, looking back at the young wolf. "I would have come to the hunt but I have not been trained in that area, so I found no reason to attend, I was out looking for herbs." She explained, her tail tucking in slightly as she spoke, unsure of whether he would be upset that she saw no reason in attending.

She did feel bad for not attending, it was her duty to care for the pups and she didn't even bother showing up at the hunt or their little one year party. If she had shown up she felt like she would be a bother and would only get in the way.