
When The Sun Dies and Night is Calling



11 Years
Athena I
09-27-2013, 12:07 AM

The ivory Amenti felt a moment of satisfaction as her back slammed into the stomach of her challenger, thinking she might have even felt one of the mahogany fea's ribs give a little under the blow. Canttina remained on top of her, but since she had stabilized her stance when she stood Alena was able to bear the weight fairly easily, for now anyway. Alena kept the widened stance she had taken earlier and kept her knees bent slightly to give her a little more freedom of movement. She could feel an aching in her back and knew the skin there would probably be bruised when it was all said and done. Since the beast remained over her Alena lunged for the foreleg nearest her head, her teeth crunching down with satisfaction on the left paw. She continued to keep her eyes slitted in case Canttina tried to take a swipe at her face, as well as keeping her ears tucked tightly against her cranium.

Alena's face contorted into a snarl and a deep, pained growl rumbled in her chest as Canttina's fangs dug deeper into the flesh around the area of her scruff, ripping open the skin as Canttina shook her head. Blood stained the ivory woman's thick fur. She gave a firm tug to tear at the flesh on the paw clamped in her jaws before releasing it to focus on getting the beast of a woman off of her back.

Alena's tail flared out behind her as she leveled her spine to add to her sense of balance. Leaning to the left ever so slightly, she used the movement to help gain a little more momentum when she threw her weight to the right, trying to throw Canttina off of her. Her claws dug into the ground and she kept her stance wide to keep herself from going down with her opponent.

If she was successful, Alena would quickly turn to face Canttina, not wanting the beast to be at her unprotected side for more than a moment. She would lower her head to level with her spine to keep her balance stable as she tucked her tail under her once again, keeping her basic defenses up as well. Blood would cover her shoulder blades, but she paid it no mind. It was not the first time that she had been torn apart and covered in blood and it would no doubt not be the last. She would snarl and raise her hackles once again, ready for whatever attack the beast would try next.


Canttina VS Alena FOR Amenti

ROUND: Three out of Five

DEFENSES: Eyes slit, ears pinned back, hackles raised, snarling, widened stance, knees bent, claws dug in, tail out for balance and then tucked under her.

ATTACK: Tugs hard at Canttina's paw and attempts to throw Canttina off of her to her right.

INJURIES: Deep wound to her scruff/shoulder area, blood spilled, possible bruising to her back from the impact of hitting Canttina's stomach.
