
A world of possibilities

Pup First Outing


04-15-2024, 10:55 PM

Thyrus had already explored every inch of the den, at least as much as their parents would let him get to.  When mom started speaking his head rose up, and tail swishing in hopeful curiosity.  Thyrus tiny paws shifted with the hope of something good coming, her voice suggested something good!

Mom presented the wonderful news they’d go outside! Hooray!  Her next few words didn’t sink in right away.  It was the words ‘going back inside’ that made Thyrus work at recalling what she’d said a moment ago.  It was easy enough to figure out what he’d missed as mom started throwing out a ton of rules.  Like a never-ending list of rules!

It was all worth listening to though because after those words Mom stepped out of the way and told them they were free.  Thyrus gave a small excited yip and charged out, his small spikey tail swinging in wild enthusiasm.  His eyes soaked up the sights and slowed just a few steps on the outside.  Where to begin?  There was a HUGE world to explore!  Even without going past pine trees.  Speaking of, what he assumed was the pine trees were massive!

A small bird landing a short distance away.  It seemed to be hunting for tiny birds.  Thyrus charged towards it but it easily flew off before he got there.  Thyrus watched the bird take to the air, wide-eyed.  

"Thyrus Mendacium"

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1. A world of possibilities Alias Island 12:52 PM, 04-15-2024 06:40 AM, 06-24-2024