
A world of possibilities

Pup First Outing



Intermediate Healer (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

Extra small
04-16-2024, 01:17 AM

Life was long. Days were long. Fever felt like an old wolf by the time they were eventually allowed out of the den. So, so old... She was tired of playing with her brothers or chasing a stupid ball around. Tired of playing with her parents companions. She wanted to go outside. She wanted to see! Over the past few days, the tiny, smoke and blood child had laid right in the doorway, watching as much of the outside world as she could manage. Life was hard.

As though realizing just how stir crazy they were getting, Ava finally said that they were allowed outside. An electric thrill shot through Fever and she was instantly on her paws. It was hard to listen to her mother as she laid out ground rules and, by the time Avacyn was finished speaking, the little girl was frantically dancing back and forth on her front paws. Okay, okay. Let us go!

Fever heard the dismissal like a shot from a gun and she took off, careening down the path towards the big tall green and brown things. She was faster than Thyrus. He had such small legs. Small everything, really. Fever was lithe and light. Some day she'd grow up to be incredibly slender. For now she was just a skinny little puppy.

Skidding to a halt right as the stone pathway shifted into the lush green grass, Fe took a tentative step onto it. Her little nose worked, filing away all of the different scents. The grass felt nice and cool under her pads. Soft, too. With a sigh, Fever dropped to the ground and began rolling in the sun warmed grass. This was the freedom that she'd been waiting for!

"Fever Medacium"

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1. A world of possibilities Alias Island 12:52 PM, 04-15-2024 06:40 AM, 06-24-2024