
A world of possibilities

Pup First Outing



Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
04-16-2024, 03:00 AM

Daemon had been doing everything within his power to get his sire and mother to cave and allow them outside for days now. The boy was growing rapidly, much more so than either of his siblings, and it was apparent even at this early stage that the rambunctious young tike would be taking his father's genes when it came to his physique. It also meant that he outgrew the small confinements of the den quickly, exploring every room, every crevice, every nook and cranny he could get his nose into. Ever curious, Daemon's explorations never sated his lust for knowledge and information. Reconning new rooms was like being let loose in a toy store, and his mother's workshop was his forbidden cave of wonders! Despite Avacyn's constant scoldings and protests to keep them out, he would always sneak his way inside, wanting to see what she was working on or what was so interesting that it needed its own separate room. When he found out that this also drove his mother crazy, well... that was just an added bonus. The more he drove her crazy trying to keep him contained, the sooner he could push her to letting them outside.

Sure enough, the sharp-witted pup's intuitions had been right on the money, and after less than a week of pressing his boundaries, Mom and Dad finally relented and allowed them to go outside! Daemon had been gnawing on an old elk bone that had long-since been stripped of any meat and marrow, using it just to sharpen his teeth while he waited for something else to do. Ava called the trio of pups to her and began laying down ground rules. No running off out of sight, no eating anything off the ground, yada yada yada... Daemon had already tuned out with an overly dramatic roll of his eyes and a huff, droning out a "Yes, Mom," as she set the rules. He'd agree to anything if it let him get out of that stuffy den at last!

And then they were let loose onto the world.

Fever went sprinting out first, followed closely by Thyrus. Daemon had to duck to avoid getting smacked in the face by his smaller sibling's spiked tail, then followed out at his own pace, a brisk trot as the Mendacium prince emerged into the sunlight for the first time. Daemon strode like a king, his paws moving with purpose across Elysian lands while keen cerulean eyes surveyed their home territory. The autumnal northern forest of Alias was gorgeous with its changing colors and deep green pines. A crisp scent of evergreens and the tang of nearby sea salt teased his nose. Overhead, a flock of birds flew by, heading south for the coming winter. Daemon couldn't help but smile as he took everything in, making his way over to join his siblings at his own pace. Thyrus was enthralled by the birds, so Dae padded over to where Fever was rolling about in the grass, shooting her a playful smirk. "You're so weird, Fe," he teased his sister, looking up at a nearby bush absolutely brimming with wild blueberries. Daemon wandered over to the fruiting plant, taking a tentative sniff at the fruits before opening his mouth to snatch one up—and pausing before actually biting down into it. He spat the berry back out and looked around for their parents again. "Hey Mom! Are these blue berries safe to eat?" As reckless as he was, Daemon really didn't feel like making himself sick today.

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.


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1. A world of possibilities Alias Island 12:52 PM, 04-15-2024 06:40 AM, 06-24-2024