

Kintsugi, seasonal



Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
04-17-2024, 07:45 PM

Daemon knew he was not supposed to be outside of the den after dark. It was one of his parents' strictest rules was their imposed curfew of sundown, and ordinarily he had done as he was told without question. But the night before this one, as the boy was returning back to his family's den with his siblings, he caught sight of the auroras twirling and dancing in the darkening evening sky, the sight captivating him and taking his breath away. How did the sky get to be so colorful and bright after the sun set? He had to know more! So on this night, once his parents had put him and his siblings down to sleep and then headed off to bed themselves, Daemon silently slipped out of bed and crept down the corridors of the dark and quiet den, headed for the entrance and out into the night beyond. Just as he had seen the night before, the nighttime sky was alight with swirling ribbons of neon lights swimming about in the sky like fish in a black pool.

Mouth hanging open in shock and awe, Daemon slowly meandered his way out and through the pine forests, eyes transfixed on the light show overhead. There were so many auroras of all different sizes and colors! How did they get up there? Tiny paws moving on their own accord as if following the rhythm of the sky, Daemon eventually found his way wandering down to Alias lake, stopping on the pebbly shore and listening to the gentle lapping of the placid lake water on the banks. He sat down on the shore, gazing up at the sky and taking it all in, occasionally glancing down to watch the way the lights reflected off the gently rippling water of the lake's surface. The night was peaceful and still, with only the occasional nocturnal insect or owl to break the quiet. It seemed he was the only one still awake to experience this mystical display.

WC: 334
Total: 334 / 1500

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.


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1. Prodigies Alias Island 07:45 PM, 04-17-2024 06:43 AM, 06-24-2024