
the way we stalk, the way we kiss


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
04-16-2024, 05:52 PM

OOC: Satira is using her Field Medic specialty to revive Arcturus

Fucking hells, did the rest of Boreas really not have anything better to do than raid Valta all the fucking time?! Satira was getting reeeeeal tired of this bullshittery by now, and judging by the ferocious sounds of fighting as she neared the battlefield around the falls, she could only assume her fellow pack mates were done playing nice as well. The one benefit to having her den situated right at the top of the falls meant easy access to her medical supplies and then a short sprint down to the carnage, and Tira was suddenly in the thick of it. The metallic tang of fresh blood hung in the air, and looking around she could see a number of wolves maimed already. Bloody hell, were they trying to kill the invaders?

As she surveyed the fighting, Satira watched as both her big brother and her massive boyfriend both got downed at the exact same time. The little wolf-dog could only roll her eyes. Boys… Another cursory glance around and Tira watched as her uncle decimated another wolf, tearing his ear off in the process. At least he seemed to be doing better this time around. Tightening her medical bag around her chest, Tira steeled her focus and made her choice, rushing up to her downed brother. Sorry, Ciná; get good scrub. Tira hurried up to her brother’s side and shook her head with a tsk tsk as she fished out a bottle of herbal energy supplements. "Wow bro, way to get your ass handed to you in front of Mom," she teased him, handing him the medicine since she couldn’t reach his mouth with their height difference. "Drink that and do better now, ‘kay?" And with her job as medic done, she turned and headed into the fray.

Satira chose her target: the large patchwork girl who had kicked her boyfriend’s ass. She could respect her fellow lady for smacking down her headstrong man, but hey, she was still gonna get some revenge for beating up her boyfriend. Rushing straight for her, Tira leveraged her diminutive size to navigate through the battlefield undetected until she was almost upon her downed lover and her opponent. "Hey! Nobody beats up my boyfriend but me!" With an only slightly fearsome growl, Tira attempted to rush underneath the larger woman, aiming to use her smaller stature to slip underneath her and start taking bites at her soft underbelly from below.

Satira vs Flurry for Dominance (raid)
Round 1/2
Age: 1+ years
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Hidden blade
Defensive Battle Accessory: Front Leather Wraps
Companion 1: Peregrine falcon, Female - Flying
Companion 2: Leopard, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Feline claws - Offensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Healer
Specialty: Field Medic


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1. the way we stalk, the way we kiss Sunset Falls 04:35 PM, 04-05-2024 07:19 AM, 05-07-2024