
Little Fireflies




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

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5 Years
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1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
04-17-2024, 03:55 PM

As much as she wanted to keep their children close to home where she could make sure they were safe–especially little Fever and Thyrus–they were bound and determined to explore as far as they could manage and see as much as they could. The last thing she wanted to do was stifle any of their creative, curious spirit so she tried to meet them half way with small trips accompanied by her or Saracyn to the neighboring territories. She just hoped that would be enough to keep them entertained until they were old enough to fend for themselves when they went on their own adventures. At the very least she tried to plan something special for her little girl. Fever seemed to have an interest in anything unusual or different and while she didn't know if this would fall into that category for her visiting the lake at night with her father as a pup was still one of Avacyn's favorite memories so maybe Fever would like it too.

Just as the sun was beginning to set she left Sara with the boys to do whatever it was that boys wanted to do and she set out with Fever walking along beside her. She offered to carry her, but was unsurprised when the independent girl insisted on walking herself. She matched Fever's pace as they went across the land bridge to the main land and over toward the lake that dominated one third of their territory. Pushing aside the reeds and cattails around the shore of the lake to clear a path for Fever, they stepped onto the rocky beach just as the sky was starting to turn deeper shades of reds and purples. "Watch very carefully out over the water as it starts to get dark, okay?" she said as she settled onto her belly next to Fever, watching her reactions more than she was watching for the fireflies herself. "Can you spot them?"

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. Little Fireflies Firefly Lake 03:55 PM, 04-17-2024 11:12 PM, 09-30-2024