
i didn't think i needed to tell you twice



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-17-2024, 11:25 PM
Haydée stands there, gazing up at the tall Raid King with exhaustion and irritation tugging at the lines of her face until they pulled thin and tight. Emerald eyes watch Gilgamesh as Bellamy speaks, her mother’s words causing her ears to swivel around to catch what the older woman has to say. At her mother’s suggestion that the child could take one of her mother’s eyes, the young woman stiffens but does not interfere because she knows just how much Bellamy has been struggling to rectify the mistake she had made.

Then Gilgamesh speaks, spitting words and saliva as he bites out arguments, his body language dangerous and barely contained as the moments drag on. But Haydée does not move, does not back down, as he spews contradictions and harsh words at her and her pack. Each insult is absorbed into her soul while she keeps her carefully maintained mask in place, not willing to show him the hurt that each and every venom-filled curse causes her. She stares at him, unblinking as he levels his goat eyes to her, raising his hackles and posturing for everyone present.

His head snakes close to her and Haydée does not react, unwilling to retreat backward in the face of a such of big bully. When his tirade comes to an end, something shifts in her chest and, in that moment of doubt, she almost gives in and follows Gil to the Hallows to throw herself prostrate in front of the girl and her mother to beg forgiveness… if only to keep Ethne safe. It is obvious that this man is dangerous and she does not wish to bring more violence to her pack’s door because she refuses to do something.

The shadows dance around them as a gentle wind tickles the leaves in the trees, sending dapples of sunlight waving across the merle form that is filled with such loathing that stands right in front of her and the sight is almost beautiful. A subtle rustling of the undergrowth alerts her to the approach of another but she does not take her eyes from Gilgamesh least she earn yet another scar. A growled word has her heart leaping into her throat as Eltrys makes it clear that the male is no longer welcome here.

However that is not all, for the heavy steps of her sister, Saga, also approach and her polar bear sibling steps up to show that they will not take his insults anymore. They come from the shadows, stepping forward, one by one, to show the united front that is Ethne. Bae-Syl speaks next and Haydée remains silent because Gilgamesh isn’t just demanding retribution from her but from the entire pack. They all take care of each and they all stand together. Heart swells as Mélisande steps up beside her and she sweeps her tail from side to side in a subtle show of pride in her pack mates.

Finally, Bellamy speaks, pointing out the contradictions that Gil has brought to them and she seems to grow as the faith that her mother has in her shines through. Bellamy turns away and the young Leader finally speaks, voice surprising calm and smooth in spite of all the emotions that whirl in her emerald eyes, “We all have faults Gilgamesh and we have tried to correct the mistake that was made. We are done with your threats and insults now, so you will be escorted to the border and expected not to trespass again. If you chose to ignore my warning, then you will be met with teeth and claws.”

Finally, she tears her gaze away from him, looking to Bae-Syl and Saga, her two Bruisers and says, “Please escort Gilgamesh out of Ethne. Dagrún, Eltrys, if you would both be so kind as to help them.” With that she turns to leave, offering Mélisande a gentle shoulder bump of gratitude for making an appearance and standing up for her. With her gaze diverted away from Gil, she offers the others a gentle, weary smile and dip of her head as she begins to walk away, making it clear that the Raid King’s business is done here.

-exit Haydée unless stopped-

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. i didn't think i needed to tell you twice Lazuli Falls 11:59 AM, 04-05-2024 12:15 PM, 04-24-2024