
As Leaves Fall so does Night


09-27-2013, 02:02 AM

Dark stockings brought him here, to this place. Though where he was he didn't know. He knew he was in the North, far from the familiar cove he had come to call home, and on the search for his brother. He had no idea that his sister was in the lands as well, looking for him. For now, each one of the trio would be lost to one another. The time had grown late, the cold was forming on his whiskers though not as much as it would have were it winter. But even with this, he could tell it would be coming soon. He didn't know how winters were in this world, but in Australian they weren't too bad. To him, they were manageable...but here? A whole different story he thought.

A scent would carry over to him upon the winds, foreign and unfamiliar to the young man. He decided he would approach, perhaps she would know of his lost brother. Though Drake himself hadn't even found a sign nor scent of his dark pelted half. He didn't know why he left, but surely he would find out should he find him. It wasn't long before a figure of varying shades of reds and browns appeared within his range of vision. Carefully he would approach, knowing that these lands in particular were dangers to tread. He heard of all the things going on with the Ice Pack, and didn't want to run into trouble. He stopped a yard or two from the woman, his throat clearing to alert her that he was here before he spoke. "Hello there, I don't mean to bother you or anythin' but I was wondering if you've seen a wolf 'round here named Jet?" He inquired the question as politely as he could, his australian accent seeping into his words.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think