
Silver Spots down to the Bay

Hunt Seasonal, Bunni



Master Hunter (280)

Expert Healer (145)

1 Year
Dire wolf
04-18-2024, 08:37 AM
Mouth ajar, drool making its way down his cheek, Jiro was sound asleep. Laying on his back, all four paws in the air, slightly curled with his extended part of his side pressed up close against one or two of his siblings. Which ones? He wasn't sure, didn't know or care. All that mattered was that he was comfortable. Super comfy actually and having a really neat dream until someone rudely stepped on his ear.

The petite paw of Asahi tugs at the delicate skin forcing his eyes to crinkle and a quiet whimper to rouse him from his slumber. Twisting around in an awkward position, Jiro watches with silver eyes as his not quite the smallest sister practically slinks from the den's outer door. Now, where was she off to at this time of night? Jiro isn't curious, lets get that straight. He doesn't actually care what his sister or any of his siblings go do, but he can't resist either A. breaking the rules or B. annoying his siblings for no reason. When he's presented with the chance to do both? There was no way he was going back to sleep now!

Rolling over and up onto his paws, he plods after Asahi, keeping a good few feet behind her. Pressing along the wall of bamboo as they make their way out to the bay, he pauses as dirt turns to sand. Silver beneath the moon's light, the bay is awash with a serene glow that almost appears eerie. Was it always this bright? Stepping down onto the dune and making his way to the shoreline where the water laps at his toes, he looks over to Asahi who watches a heron dive down to scoop up a load of fish into its beak.

"The animals are pretty lively tonight, eh?" Jiro inquires to his basically mute sister. He knows she hasn't ever spoken a word before - at least not while he's around. "Swimming's the easy part though. Catching the fish is harder," he muses, his own gaze turning to the shallows in front of them. Watching the fish dart about in an erratic manner. Was something bothering them? He hadn't noticed anyone else and if there was trouble on the beach, surely Kuroo or Nami would've been out patrolling. "Only one way to find out," Jiro's lips pull up into a devilish smirk as he leans over and shoves his muzzle against Asahi in an attempt to push her into the water before following after her, probably making more noise than they should have, but where's the fun in being sneaky?

Italics denotes Jiro speaking Japanese

wc: 434
total: 611/1500

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1. Silver Spots down to the Bay Manatee Bay 02:53 PM, 04-12-2024 06:00 PM, 04-30-2024