
i didn't think i needed to tell you twice



War Chief

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Expert Intellectual (195)

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3 Years
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Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-18-2024, 12:11 PM

She listened and watched as others arrived. As her sister and mother talked, but she had a feeling they were wasted words. This Raider did not seem to care about anything but his own self interests, not giving a damn about her families attempts at trying to right the wrong. Saga believed that the Raiders simply didn't care and were just fulfilling their own selfish whims at this point. Clearly an eye for an eye or no amount of apology was enough. It felt like it would never be enough at this point. Her gaze flicked over to her mother, a low rumble in her throat as her mother continued to offer up herself time and time again, explaining things that in Saga's opinion, didn't need to be explained and that did not stand well by Saga. The Raiders should not have brought pups to a raid and not be prepared for something to go wrong. At this rate, it was the Raiders' fault for what happened to this guys kid. Fuck around and find out, right? Isn't that what they did? If it was their thing to raid other packs, they should expect that not everyone would be okay with that, especially not knowing that some were on a hair trigger.

That's what Saga started to think, anyway. Haydee and Bellamy tried to right it...offered up themselves. Apologized. Even Gav went to try and help after the ordeal, but the Raiders had turned on him even and tried to hurt him. It was by luck and the Gods that he had managed to return home mostly unscathed, and each and every slight against her family by the raiders and each and every insult that kept being slung around was really starting to touch a nerve within the usually calm and level-headed bear.

But not anymore.

Her family shouldn't have to continue to beg or do a damn thing this wolf said anymore. Or maybe...that's just how some wolves were? There were good ones and bad ones from what she had learned, and the same probably held true for bears, but she hadn't met another one with the intelligence that she had. Perhaps this Gil was one of the bad ones...perhaps all of the Raiders were. Though her thoughts briefly flickered to that of the brown boy she had fought a couple of times, he hadn't seem as hell bent on trying to tear them apart, and even she felt bad when they attacked the Raiders when she nearly ripped his skin off. Maybe that wolf was the exception...but this one?

Her mother told him she would no longer keep them back. Sure, reinforcements hadn't been called, but what did he expect when he walked in like he owned the place, especially knowing he was not welcome within Ethne? Her heart pounded in her chest, amber gaze never leaving the mottled male.

Her body tensed as the intruder laughed at them. At her sister. At her mother. Haydee was young, yes, but she was trying her best. And as far as Saga knew, he kept treating her like a child and showed nothing but disrespect. As her sister went to walk away, he moved. He reached for her. He dared try to harm her in their home! Saga couldn't help herself. She roared something fierce. A cry of anger as he sought to harm her sister, and she charged at him. All the forces in the world would not stop the enraged bear as she thundered a path straight toward him like a freight train without its brakes. Spittle flew from her lips as she bared her teeth in a fearsome snarl. She was bigger than him. Much, much bigger than all of them. Nobody would stop her. Nobody could stop her. She was anger incarnate in this moment, and it had its sights on him.

With the force of a freight train, she slammed into him before he could so much as touch a single hair on her sister. She brought a foreleg up, and then with a forceful blow, sought to bring it down over his back, claws ready to tear him apart for his transgressions against her family! She would put this one in the goddamn dirt if she had to, and then maybe he'd finally think twice the next time.


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1. i didn't think i needed to tell you twice Lazuli Falls 11:59 AM, 04-05-2024 12:15 PM, 04-24-2024