
i didn't think i needed to tell you twice



Raiders Hollow
The Modyguard

Master Fighter (291)

Expert Intellectual (185)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

1 Year
Extra large
04-18-2024, 02:20 PM

Ken had noticed the absence of his mother, sister and father, and thought it very unfair they were going on an adventure without him. Nose to the ground when the girls struck out in one direction, he stayed on his dads scent, the girls were clearly doing girl things, so why not try to talk him into a boys weekend, right?

When the scent crossed over the Ethne borders, he stopped though, confused why his dad would be going in there after everything that had happened, it was only the distant indiscernible muttering that sent him creeping closer to see just what was going on. Six. Six wolves and a bear against his dad. He missed the lunge his father made but caught the roar and charge of Saga. He clenched his jaw and bit his tongue until it bled to stifle the scream that rung inside his own head only. The most infallible wolf he had ever known, his dad was sent sailing through the air, the sickening crack of his skull against the rock bringing bile to burn in his throat. He wasn’t close enough to hear the whispered message, and young as he was he wasn’t foolish enough to face the odds laid out before him.

To the boy, the son, the way his father’s body went limp, his eyes rolling back in his head, he was certain his dad was dead, and someone had to tell his mother. Ears ringing, tears burnign and blurring his vision, heart in his throat, ears pinned back and abject horror painted over every fibre of his being, the boy made himself as small as he could in his retreat. Fuelled by panic and little else he ran, back to where his parent’s trails split, seeking the safety of the Hallows.


-ken exit-

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1. i didn't think i needed to tell you twice Lazuli Falls 11:59 AM, 04-05-2024 12:15 PM, 04-24-2024