
i didn't think i needed to tell you twice



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-18-2024, 03:49 PM
With her back turned to the man, a disturbing, diabolical cackle fills the air as Gilgamesh wheezes out yet another threat. Back stiffens as every fiber in her body screams out the threat that is behind her, bearing down on her smaller form with each frantic beat of her heart. Eyes slam shut as Haydée silently accepts her fate, hoping that the Raid King will at least have mercy on her pack should she die this day.

Then, the world begins to quake.

Saga moves, her heavy steps causing the earth to rumble in anger at her passing and Haydée isn’t sure if it is her knees shaking on their own or if it is from the force of her sister shaking the ground. Pebbles quiver in the grass around her and her emerald eyes shoot open as she begins the process of wheeling around and try to catch what is happening behind her. Jaws snap closed near her backside and she grunts in alarm as Gilgamesh is suddenly sent airborne by one gigantic polar bear paw.

The force of Saga’s blow causes Hay to inhale sharply as she swears that she can hear bones breaking and the hatred and disgust she had felt for the man only seconds before suddenly morphs into worry and fear. Eyes widen as she watches him sail through the air, time seeming to slow as each second stretches into an eternity while his body twists and contorts like a cat trying to remember how to land on its paws.

For a moment, her heart lifts and she dares to believe that he will be fine and, while he might suffer bruised or broken ribs and ego, he has at least avoided slamming into one of the numerous trees that litter the area. But her hopes are dashed as his body returns to the earth and a sickening, wet thump greets her ears as Gilgamesh’s head smacks into a hidden, unforgiving rock. Nausea rolls through her stomach and she convulsively swallows to keep from upchucking her last meal.

Horror pulls at her features, turning her face into a mask of pure fear as time swiftly snaps back into place, the slow moments sudden rushing back and blending together as she realizes everything that has happened. Gil lifts his head, blood cascading down the side of his face as he whispers words of love for a family member not here. Haydée is quick to react, rushing to the man’s side as he slowly rests his cheek against the rock and slips into the peaceful oblivion that is unconsciousness.

Authority fills her form as she barks out urgently, “Mélisande, I need your help!” It is strange how effortlessly she takes control of the situation, carefully orchestrating the wolves like a conductor making music. Bodies shuffle as they seek to aid the downed male because, while he had come seeking harm, he has been injured and now requires help. Eltrys calls her attention away from Gilgamesh, pointing out the retreating form of a brown yearling that she remembers from the raid.

Lips pull into a tight line as she realizes that the youth is probably off to tell the Hallows and the man’s wife and child the horrible deed that they have done and all she can do is give her head a shake and murmur, “We will deal with that later. First, we need to make sure he is stable and not in any life-threating danger.” With that, she tips her head back and sings a call for the pack healers, summoning them to come and help the man in need.

-will continue the healing in another thread-

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. i didn't think i needed to tell you twice Lazuli Falls 11:59 AM, 04-05-2024 12:15 PM, 04-24-2024