
The broken bones of yesterday


03-10-2013, 09:23 PM

The world had held its breath. The sound of mourning seemed to cross the air as the winds cried for the fallen. It had been some time since the little queen had fallen to the hand of death. Since she revealed the truth and brought the world to Zara just as she had promised. That world belonged to her as well and it was difficult to comprehend it. How had she gained such power when all she had desired was a simple life? She all but laughed at that. Simple indeed. A smirk painted its way across her jaws. Chaos was her destiny and she followed it with glee.

She felt as if she had passed threw the veil of time. The warmth of her realm had shifted to the chill of death. Her breath was visible against the soft air around her. Her dark gray ears twitched as she sniffed around the area. The smell of salt and copper filled her nose and she laughed. So the world had shunned this place? Did the forgotten remember its time on this world? Would is history ring with truth along the walls that were frozen in time? Maybe if she listened carefully she would hear its story.

Paws the size of a small bear pushed defiantly against the coarse grounds. Her claws barley scratched the surface even with the 200 pounds of weight pushing down on the world. The night sky was clear and void of all clouds. The moons Cheshire smile gleamed down on her and gave her violet body and ethereal look. It felt as if the phantom of who she had once been had stolen her skin and walked the world on this night. What had broken her again? God she wouldn?t even remember but she saw those eyes in her nightmares. The blood. The violence. It was all in her mind.

The skeleton of the ship loomed just in the distance. She could almost hear its horrified cry for life. It lay on its side, broken and forgotten, and desolated in the evening before her. She was so far from her realm but she didn?t care. What was a little adventure to make the blood run cold in her veins? Her laugh filled the air as she tried to remember her purpose for coming. Maybe the dead had called to her. Maybe the ghosts would come out to play in the witching hour. She was unsure but all she knew was she wanted to know if the ground could speak and the metal tell stories.

She stopped where she was. One ear pulling backwards as her heart began to beat loudly in her ears. She heard something. What had she heard? The noise didn?t register in her mind but her body had acted without so much as a second hesitation. Her silver hair erupted into attention along her shoulders and spine. A low warning growl erupted from deep with in her belly giving her the illusion of an angry male. She was a titan of a woman. Whose build was made for a males body but the gender specific qualities still rang with truth inside her shattering the androgynous appearance.