
The Other Side



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-27-2013, 06:41 AM

Taurig accepted her offer, and she smiled, nodding slightly. ?I ask only this. Set aside any anger that you have for Chrysanthe. I raised her when her mother died, and she is my daughter by heart. When her father gave her and her siblings to me when his mate passed, I believed myself barren. Though that has been proved false, she and her siblings are as much my children as if they were my own blood. Chrysanthe is a wonderful leader, despite her young age. She and you are about the same age, in fact.? Deep blue pool were serious as she studied him, watching the blood flow from his nose. As he bade her not to worry, she nodded. The healer?s sense knew he wanted those scars. He would carry them as a badge of victory, instead of a mark of shame as she was sure his father intended.

Rising, she nudged his shoulder. ?I have to get back. Winter and war are coming, and I need to get gathering to stock up my den, and show my pupils some good spots in Valhalla for winter gathering.? She turned her eyes to Seraphine. ?You need to be heading home soon as well, young one. With Glaciems near, it?s not a good idea for a yearling with no training to be wandering alone.? The girl could easily end up becoming a grandniece, and Erani didn?t want her getting hurt. She gave a nod to Taurig. ?Let?s hope this war ahead isn?t too horrible. I?ll let Chrysanthe know of your claim. I?ll let you tend to your new Pack. Walk safely, Taurig.? She cast him a smile, then turned and padded away, heading home.


Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think