
What a fine mess this is



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
04-20-2024, 02:09 PM

Rogue had been intending to brood and sulk alone, hence why he had purposefully taken himself away from the rest of the group on the main island, but it seemed like even that wish would go unfulfilled for him. The familiar voice suddenly at his side catches him by surprise with a bit of a start, and as sunset amethyst eyes turned to spy his unexpected (and mostly unwanted) company, he was surprised to find Nimue there, the small girl's dark form almost entirely obscured in the dimming twilight. Fucking hell, where had she come from?! He scrutinizes her with a shocked stare for a moment, their almost matching eyes locked while the pair of wolves seemed to study one another. What was she doing here? Wasn't his day already going bad enough? Now fate wanted to throw a tiny homicidal psychopath at him? Who had he pissed on in a past life to deserve this?

Nimue asked what the look on his face was for—and then so graciously offered to smack it off for him. Rogue scoffed, the corner of his mouth curling up in a slightly amused smirk. "What, you feel like cutting up your paws again?" he remarked in sarcastic tones, shaking his head as he looked away from her back over the twilit lake as fireflies danced over its glossy surface in the autumnal evening. "Don't go pretending like you actually give a shit what's on my mind—or offering what you can't take." Last time had been a matter of self defense. Nimue had ambushed him on the beach and he was protecting himself. This time, Rogue was pissed and looking to lash out. If she wanted to make herself that outlet for his anger and frustration, he wouldn't be holding back. If he hurt her... well, she'd literally been asking for it.

And on that note... "Why are you still here anyway?" Rogue's brow furrowed as he turned an inquisitive look down at Nimue. "Ashen's gone, Chimera's pretty much dead, you could be free to go wherever the hell you want." So why was she choosing to stick around with them?

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.