
I'm Always Losing To Win

Avacyn! <3


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
04-20-2024, 07:33 PM

Avacyn listens to her as Haydée relays everything that had happened between Ethne and the Raiders, her concerned look not missed by the small Leader as she talks. They reach the beautiful lake that Elysium has and Ava takes a seat in the soft grass, motioning for her to follow suit. With a sigh, the young woman moves to where her friends sits and gently settles on her haunches besides the taller Matriarch before suddenly, yet gently, leaning in toward the purple woman, if she would allow her to rest against her.

At Avacyn’s words, Haydée tilts her head back to catch the woman’s dark gaze, her own emerald eyes swirling with unshed tears and regret. Soft voice is filled with sorrow as she says, “Me too. It has been… a lot. When we returned home from the raid…” eyes become distant as she remembers finding out about Baecette’s death and she swallows a lump in her throat before continuing, “One of my nephews unexpectedly passed away. He had been sick for a while but we had been hopeful that he would recover.”

Small head shakes as looks down to her paws, ashamed that she had not been there when her young nephew had transitioned from this world to the next. Clearing her throat, the small Leader lifts her eyes once more as she talks, “Anyway, I wanted to bring you the news about the Raiders Hollow both as a friend and as an alpha. Raiders Hollows seems to hate us now and, since we are allies, I want you to be aware of that fact. We don’t want you to step in or anything but, if they come knocking on your door for revenge against us, I will be sure to pay them a visit.”

Steel enters her eyes as informs Ava that she will personally seek out the Raiders leadership if they start messing with Elysium; to her that would be the ultimate sin. Then the talk shifts to the favor that she needs and the small Leader straightens up before she slowly begins to relay information surrounding the fall of her neighboring pack, “Not too long after our second raid, our other ally, Norad was taken over. The wolves that took over their pack stole a young boy, on of Beauregard’s sons, and threatened to kill him unless they handed over the pack and everything that they had.”

The words hang heavily in the air as Haydée’s eyes slide out over the lake, watching the bugs that buzz lazily above the glassy surface. Ethne has been through a lot in the last couple of months and she keeps praying that everything will calm down soon. Gaze snaps back to Ava as Haydée sheepishly smiles, not realizing she allowed her mind to wander for a long moment. Head cocks slightly to the side as she says, “Ethne is currently housing the refugees of Norad within our borders but space is becoming an issue. I want to expand Ethne but we lack a master hunter and navigator. Would you be willing to spare a couple wolves to help us?”

Eyes light with hope as she looks to friend, hoping that Ethne will be able to lend a couple extra paws to help with efforts to give the displaced Norad wolves a home. Idly, Hay wonders if is too much to ask of an ally and a friend but, for the sake of their friendship, she really hopes it isn’t because she had quickly come to think of Ava as a big sister.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.