
Hear Me



War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-22-2024, 01:03 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2024, 01:10 AM by Saga. Edited 2 times in total.)
ooc//set immediately after gil knockout & during haydee visit at hallows

She ran, and she ran hard. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She churned the earth in her wake, plowing through everything in her path. The Bifrost had been little challenge to her, but the rest? The rest would certainly test the young ice bear. She had escorted her sister to the Hallows, but she hadn't stayed long and had excused herself from the urgent visit after remembering a lesson about the other packs that existed that her mother had taught her when she was younger. She had almost, almost forgotten about that lesson. Not thinking she would need any of that information, because why would she? But it seemed that information would actually be useful because it appeared Ethne needed some help, and despite all of Haydee's efforts, everything was still going to shit. Why? A domino effect, she supposed. The Raiders would not leave them the fuck alone. They continued to insult and belittle her sister which meant they were making an attack on the pack as a whole. The Raider King had decided he thought he was hot shit and could just walk up into Ethne lands without consequence, and he had gotten what he deserved. Although Saga hadn't meant to knock him cold, he was still very much alive and while Haydee and Eltrys were talking that over with the Hallows alpha, Saga would move onto someone her mother had known for a long while now.

Her paws ached, her lungs burned. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she felt her energy waning, but she pushed on anyway because dammit, she wasn't going to let them win! Haydee did not deserve this! She had seen the brown male she had fought twice before watch the scene unfold, but Saga had not thought to go after him to stop him and tell him what had happened. Then again, would it have mattered? Others believed what they wanted to believe, regardless of what really happened, right? She thought she was beginning to understand wolves, but clearly they were fickle creatures, maybe she'd never truly fit in with them. Maybe, some of them simply weren't worth it. They were liars. They were thieves. The only good ones she had seen were the ones she called family. She had felt the love and had seen it on the daily since she had been taken in among them. But those she considered outsiders? She had seen nothing but destruction and wanton cruelty to her loved ones.

Yes, she was angry at the Raider wolves. But that didn't mean she wanted them dead. She just wanted them to leave her goddamn family alone!

She grunted as her lungs burned, but at last the old rundown barn started to appear in the distance and, remembering the description her mother gave, knew she had made it! She put on a final burst of speed, paws thundering across the ground as the world shook beneath her until she slammed on the brakes, unwilling to trespass into a packs territory for fear of what might happen. After all, not everyone welcomed bears...and she had gotten many a look whenever she turned up for a fight. Instead, she took a moment to catch her breath before bellowing the loudest, strongest bellow she could in an effort to gain the attention of the one she came looking for.


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1. Hear Me The Range 01:03 AM, 04-22-2024 12:41 AM, 05-07-2024