
I could really use a wish right now...


09-27-2013, 12:14 PM

As she listened to his reply, her heart broke for him and his sorrows. She came closer, as it was clear he would not be holding it together much longer. She rested her delicate cranium along the side of his neck, gentle as a summers breeze, her voice falling from her lips to create a soft string of calming words. "Now now, it is okay. It is perfectly normal to hear the voice of one you have loved and lost. I used to hear the voices of my entire pack, and that is why I do not come here as often, it is simply too much to handle with the wounds still raw." She told him, her voice trailing off as she bit back her own sorrows before they could pour out of her like a river through a failing beaver dam. From her pristine ivory coat, the scent of lavender and ginger would waft into the olfactory sensors of whoever was in her vicinity.

She lifted her head from his soft pale fur, her face just a few inches from his. She offered him a light smile, beating her thick alabaster banner upon the dark stone floor in an attempt to lighten his spirits. Stepping away, she went to follow a cheery song of her own through the caverns. Albino hips would sway in a manner that most found alluring, yet was an unconscious part of her long stride. A thick, silky tail would sweep like a pendulum across tall heels, twin raven feathers dancing erratically in the constantly changing air currents. For instance, the song you hear now, is that of my dead, infant sister. She said with absolutely no emotion, for allowing any into her voice would cause her to break down. She was stone cold, her tone completely matter of fact. A small pool of water, constantly fed by a stalactite above, altered her reflection, and she saw a single figure trapped within the mirror surface upon the ground. Lily Lunashka, her mother.

A single tear was all she would part with, dripping into the pool and leaving a single, small dark track down the angelic fur covering her angular cheekbone. Then she was moving again, knowing if the man wanted to catch up, he would. Then there was silence, her baby sister's sweet, carefree voice gone again. Aurora would shed not a tear, let out no wail of inner agony, for though inside she was broken, she knew that the song was not real, just a trick played on her mind as a sick, twisted joke from the world. In a single, fluid motion, she was resting on her haunches, waiting for the next song, for the black and white male to arrive and speak once more, or for her spirits to lighten again.

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