
Hear Me




Master Hunter (270)

Expert Intellectual (215)

An icon representing the specialty Beast Master Beast Master

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
04-22-2024, 11:53 PM
The young bear took the opportunity afforded by her question to begin a long tale that Corbie listened to silently, mystified and concerned. For a moment after Saga had finished speaking, the alpha sat quietly, eyes on the horizon as she processed it. There was a lot to unpack there - the raiders bringing children with them on a raid, Bellamy maiming a child, the constant back and forth of blood for blood, the fact that Gil even now lay injured in Ethne's borders after trespassing and attacking Haydee. It sounded as though the situation was going to continue to escalate until someone was dead and the fragile balance between all of the packs was irretrievably broken. It could mean war, and she shuddered to think of a war that engulfed all the packs.

"I will do what I can to mediate, Saga," she said finally. "I wish someone had come to me before it had gotten so bad - I've always been on good terms with both packs." She shook her head, troubled. "But I appreciate you coming to me now. I'll see what I can do." At minimum, she'd speak with the alphas of both packs involved and see if she could get them to see reason, but maybe she could get them all into one room without any more maims or deaths and get them to talk it out with arbitration. She sighed. Gil had seemed very reasonable when she'd spoken with him, but the actions Saga described were not those of a rational man, and she was... concerned about his mental state, or what might be influencing him. She might not be able to get through to him at all.

"I will go speak with the Raiders, see if I can't convince whoever is in charge in Gil's absence not to do anything rash until we can sort this out. If Haydee needs someplace safe to stay to recover, if she has anyone else who can take over for her, she is welcome to take sanctuary in Avalon for a time. I intend to make the same offer to Gil, though I'm sure the Hallows would be better suited if his injuries are bad. Just..." she paused, carefully chewing over the words, "I want you to be aware that it sounds as though Ethne was not entirely blameless, and your pack may be expected to make some concessions for that. I don't know what, if anything, has already been tried on that front, but we will talk about it later, with Haydee and Bellamy both. It sounds as though time is of the essence now, and I'm sure you want to be with your sister to protect her."
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times

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1. Hear Me The Range 01:03 AM, 04-22-2024 12:41 AM, 05-07-2024