
Hear Me



War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
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Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-23-2024, 12:56 AM

She waited with breath she didn't know she'd been holding as Corbie processed all that she had just dumped on her lap. She hadn't meant to, but this was the last resort she could think of. She didn't know what else to do, didn't know of anyone else that might be able to help. Or if anyone would be willing to help...including Corbie. So it was a huge surprise to her when Corbie said she would do what she could to mediate. The breath she had been holding came out, and for once, she felt like she could breathe after everything that had been happening. She nodded, half ashamed and relieved when Corbie offered to mediate, and wishing that someone had told her sooner. Honestly, Saga had no damn clue why nobody hadn't! The Hallows kept getting the short end of the stick on what she assumed were from both fronts, but she couldn't be sure. She had never been involved in the political side of things until recently, and mostly out of sheer desperation to try and help her sister and mother. But now it seemed she had involved herself politically, and she was glad she had. She didn't just have to fight...and she felt relief at the thought of that.

Corbie continued, explaining that she would go to speak with the Raiders, offering Haydee sanctuary should she need it, though it took every ounce of her being to keep her fur flat when she mentioned she'd extend the same offer to Gilgamesh. Okay okay, she wanted things fixed...she didn't want to hold grudges. She knew she'd let it go sooner or later...but for now, she'd have to deal with it and hope that Corbie would be successful in her endeavors. She did nod in understanding, however. She didn't know what all solutions or offers Haydee and her mother had already offered beyond the eye for an eye, so she didn't touch on it. That was a discussion for another time. "Thank you, Corbie. You have no idea how much I truly appreciate your help in this, I have been losing sleep over it, wondering how I can help to protect my family without killing someone over this. I really didn't mean to hurt him that badly, but..." What was done, was done. He wasn't dead, so there was that at least. "Yes, I will return to Haydee and let her know what you've said. And...if you ever need anything, I will gladly help you. I am in your debt."

Truly, she owed the Avalon alphess a great deal after this. Were she in a happier mood, she would've scooped her up and given her a great big hug! But she wasn't, and considering she didn't know each other on that level yet, she didn't know how she'd react, so she'd leave it at that. She stood, preparing herself for the journey back home. There was no time to rest! She had to get back to Haydee as soon as possible. " careful please...I don't know the name of the one in charge now, but if she believes Gilgamesh is dead...who knows what she will do. A broken heart and a muddled mind can be dangerous..." She knew that after having watched her Mother when Gavroche had died...she was sure Corbie could handle herself, but Saga couldn't help but be cautious now. She offered the alphess another nod before turning and racing back home.



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1. Hear Me The Range 01:03 AM, 04-22-2024 12:41 AM, 05-07-2024