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Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

WinnerCritical Observation!Critical Fail!How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Rapid Poster - BronzeStudent
04-23-2024, 01:25 AM


Eltrys nodded his head, he knew she would turn down his assistance but he wanted to offer it none the less. Just like her mother she carries the world on her shoulders. He saw as she looked away a flicker of shame, she must believe that she was somehow part of the reason her young nephew passed.

It was his turn to be surprised suddenly! She asked for him to stay and keep her company while she worked. Mentioning that she didn't know much about him.

"Hm!" He tucked his chin down, suddenly struck with a dumbness he hadn't encountered before.
"I can... certainly do my best."  Bramble had asked where he was from, and he had given her a vague answer, he wanted to give Haydee a bit more. He didn't know how to answer these questions well though. Growing up he was always known to everyone.
"I'm so used to listening to others and providing counsel, I seem to be lost to my own story." He admitted as he settled close by to watch her work.

"I'm from the mainland, away from Boreas and Auster. We had cliffs that overlooked the sea. I didn't see much of my homeland honestly. I grew up with a lot of expectations and rules and was mainly hidden from the rest of the world in the temple caves." He laid his head down and continued to watch her, she worked diligently as he continued to talk about things he'd never shared before.
"I spent most of my time studying, praying, performing some ceremonies and providing an ear to listen to believers. I was being trained to take over as the head priest from my Uncle when I came of age." He didn't want to reveal to her the true nature of his position as he had revealed it to her mother Bellamy. It seemed pompous and over zealous, he didn't really believe it himself anymore anyway so there was no reason to bring it up.
He knew the question would come about how he ended up here instead of high priest there. "I left when my uncle sent an assassin after me. My mother told me that he had a son he wanted to take my place. She helped me escape just in time." He gave a heavy sigh and turned his gaze to Haydees father's grave, as if telling him would be a bit more comforting, perhaps because he had spent many evenings speaking to the grave of his own father.
"She took the assassin's assault, and sacrificed her life for mine. He told me I would be to blame as my brother was the Lord of the land. We were meant to lead together in some ways." He missed his brothers easy laugh, and boyish ways. Always knew how to help Eltrys "loosen up" and "live a little."

"Could I perhaps place a memorial somewhere here for my family? Or is this meant only for the leadership of Ethne?" He asked after lifting his head and finding a good moment. His family had a separate mausoleum from the rest of the congregation, so his query came without any judgement.

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