
I'm So Bored, So Bored

Rougaruo - Healing Seasonal



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
04-23-2024, 09:51 AM
timeline: post meeting caedes as she makes her way to the polar sound, pre meeting kaino.

Her time on Boreas thus far had been pleasant. Loner wolves appeared to leave her be whenever she crossed paths and pack wolves merely glowered at her from their territory lines. This place really had a "mind your own business" feel to it that she found humorous. Why didn't want want to play? Hm? So instead of taking a direct route up to where her brother, Caedes, lived with The Syndicate, Sloan decided to take the long way around what he called Fenrir's Maw. If she couldn't join their ranks right away, why not take a little sightseeing vacation? Get used to the area, become familiar with the flora and fauna. No sense in being caught unaware or ignorant of her new home because she knew she was never going back.

The bad news was that this place had a lot of fucking bugs. Even for the timing of the season, these bugs were new to her. Buzzing, annoying little shits that kept biting her over and over and over again. No matter how much water or mud she coated onto her fur or however many times she bit and chewed at her skin, they wouldn't leave her alone. She could've sworn she was beginning to get bald spots and rough, dirty, and scaly patches beneath her fur.

Ugh! This has got to stop! Sloan was desperate by the this point and she almost gave up on her little adventure to go find The Syndicate. Surely they would have a healer who could fix her problem. Weak and annoyed and ready to find comfort, Sloan took one last pitstop. Just on the other side of a river from the desolate plains she wandered through, she could see a grove of willows. They were tall, thick, and full of dying leaves, a truly old grove that had obviously been around to see a thing or two. Perhaps some willow bark would help? She was no healer, but she had picked up a tip or two in her journey.

Breaking from the river, she makes her way to the willow grove. The mites continue to pick and bite and burrow into her skin. Disgusting little creatures she couldn't wait to get rid of. Moving through the weeping boughs, she approaches one of the older trunks where the bark begins to peel in long strips. Sticking her nose up to it, Sloan gives it a good whiff to try and detect rot. Before she can make a decision, a particularly bad spot of mites forces her to stop and plop her butt down on the ground. Lifting a hind leg to try and scratch at the spot, she resorts to contorting around and nibbling at the stop. Unfortunately, it doesn't relent and one could tell by the quiet whine that leaves her lips.

wc: 470

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1. I'm So Bored, So Bored Whistling Willows 09:51 AM, 04-23-2024 12:46 PM, 07-16-2024