
When I die, I'll let go



"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
04-23-2024, 08:36 PM
Absinth met Flare's gaze with her unique brand of defiance and anticipation, her pulse quickening as she braced herself for whatever challenge he would throw her way. She recognized the readiness in his stance, the calculated precision of a warrior honed by years of survival. This would be no mere game; it was a dance of danger, and she was more than willing to take the lead.

As Flare's claw traced a line down her cheek, Absinth resisted the urge to make him pay for it, holding his gaze with unwavering intensity. “Flare.” She warned, teeth pulling back as she peered up at his haunting orbs with savage hunger. His words held a veil of civility, but she saw through the facade. She wondered what he was capable of, and she welcomed finding out with her own eyes. Still though, fuck him for calling her a Princess again.

A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as Flare proposed his terms, a glint of mischief sparking in her emerald eyes. “I want to see your smug fucking face in pain. I love that sort of thing -- indulge me.” She purred, the threat echoing in her voice as she agreed to his terms. She knew the stakes of this game, and she was more than willing to play. Bodily harm was nothing, if she could feel the thunderous sound of her blood pumping in her ears.

Before she could react, Flare struck with sudden ferocity, his metal-clad claws aiming just below her knee with precision. The impact sent a jolt of searing pain coursing through her, but Absinth refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her falter. Her face contorted into delight, instead. She attempted a counter, aiming to lunge for the outstretched limb he’d attacked her with and latch onto it – trying to throw his balance off. Ah, and there it was, that amazing thrill. There were no rules, no mercy. Only primal thrill, and Absinth was more than ready to embrace it with every fiber of her being.

Absinth vs Flare for Minor Maim (Making him cry/defense against maim) lmao
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1
Size: Large
Build: Balanced
Offensive Battle Accessory: Knife bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: leather armor
Companion 1: Raven, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Raven, Male - Battle
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Intellectual
Specialty: Juggernaut


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

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1. When I die, I'll let go Soulless Forest 05:15 PM, 04-09-2024 01:21 PM, 06-20-2024