

Kintsugi, seasonal



Expert Fighter (175)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Dire wolf
04-25-2024, 01:34 AM

So focused had Daemon been on the dancing lights overhead that he had not been paying close attention to his surroundings. With his fascinated eyes glued to the light show overhead, the sudden sound of paws crunching on the pebbly beach took the boy by surprise, and he turned with a start to spot one of uncle Deimos and aunt Ikigai's kids coming out to join him—Kintsugi. The panic that had sped up his heart at the worry of being caught began to subside with a relieved and irritated sigh. What the heck was she doing out here as well? Daemon had just been about to ask her as such when Kintsugi plopped herself down beside him and made a passive remark about not tattling on him if he didn't rat her out. That remark earned her a raised brow of incredulity at her brazen threat. Did she think she could blackmail him so easily?

"Oh really now?" remarked Daemon, still taken aback by her attempt to bully him into cooperation. Well, unfortunately for Kintsugi, Daemon had a touch of oppositional defiance in his blood, and she had just made herself a prime opportunity to show why no one menaced him. Waiting a minute for Kintsugi to get really immersed in the auroras, Daemon kept his gaze turned sideways at her, and when her guard was at his lowest, the boy struck! Dae let loose a puppy growl as he lunged sideways at her, paws outstretched and aiming to wrap around Kintsugi's sides so he could grab her and barrel into her with all his strength, seeking to take her down to the ground before she could even realize what was going on. This would teach her not to try and threaten him into submission again!

WC: 296
Total: 1116 / 1500

"Daemon Mendacium"

Warning: Daemon is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Avacyn and Saracyn may enter any of Daemon's threads while he is under 2 years old.


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