
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

04-25-2024, 04:22 AM
J ust seeing how breathless Rusalka was and how thoroughly he had worn her out brought a swell of pride to Requiem, that satisfied, boastful grin only growing on his muzzle. Deep down in his most basic parts, Requiem was two things—a killer and a lover. Seeing how much pleasure he could bring to his lady partners was a high of its own, and in the wake of his second failed reunion with Lurid it was exactly the ego boost he had much needed, to know that he still had plenty of game left in him. Not to mention Rusalka had easily been one of his best fucks he could recount, able to match pace with his more vigorous sex with nothing short of ecstasy. So he lay there with Ruse in his arms, draped across his larger body as if he were her personal mattress, letting her bask in the wonderful afterglow while he tended to her, enjoying each and every sound of delight he was able to pull from her, like plucking the strings of an instrument to create a beautiful melody.

I n the quiet of the here and now in the den, Ruse most definitely was all of Req's focus. Nothing else in the world mattered right now beyond this amazing mottled fae. He knew he had to have her all to himself now. Requiem was much too much of a possessive bastard to let her go after how she'd equally rocked his world and gave him something new to lavish his attention on and to slake his lusts and needs with. If all he had to do was give her attention and feed her, well then this was going to be a very easy and beneficial relationship for him to control. The way she giggled as he groomed the soft mussed up fur on her forehead brought out a husky chuckle of his own from the dire brute, squeezing the smaller fae in his strong forearms. Requiem was very much the guy who could go from fucking your brains out one minute to tenderly caring for you the next, as Ruse was currently experiencing firsthand. Quite the perfect partner, wasn't he?

W hen Ruse replied with a laugh and confirmation that her overbearing sire would have murdered him immediately for all the ways he'd ravaged her this evening, all Requiem could do was grin proudly with a devilish gleam in his silver eyes, his debonair, devil-may-care attitude on full display. He happily received her lick to his chin and returned it with a lick to the end of her nose, still slowly trailing one paw up and down her back along her spine while the other continued to comb through her scruff with his claws. "Absolutely worth it," he quipped back with a playful wink to his beautifully disheveled lover, leaning in closer to capture her lips with his own in a quick, frisky kiss. Despite his age, Requiem had the libido of a young brute, and his career of maintaining peak physical shape gave him more than enough stamina to make their nights together very long. But their encore performance could come in a bit. Right now, he had other things on his mind... Staring into Ruse's mismatched eyes with a thoughtful tip of his head, Requiem gave a soft hum, then asked her, "What do I have to do to convince you to stick around for a while with me, Ruse? I'm not ready to stop making your father angry with me."

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.