
Strong For Somebody Else


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:39 AM

Oh! So that's where the chickens had come from? She supposed she hadn't paid much attention to what her sister or mother did with their alpha things. She always did her own thing. Her favorite hobbies, usually. Spent a lot of time fishing, napping, and exploring what Auster had to offer. She just sort of…went with the flow her whole life. And it wasn't until things started burdening her family lately that she felt she wanted to - no - needed to step up. Wolves were strong together as a pack, but what about when a wolf was alone?

She was a bear. She could - and had - proven that she was strong and capable. She had fared very well in her first raid, had been sparring different opponents, learning from her companions, her mother, and learned from each and every encounter. She learned that not everyone could be trusted. Not everyone was good. And the Raider wolves had shown that with their ill treatment toward her family. Did she mention she was a goddamn bear!? Sure, wolves had fought and killed her kind often, as well as other predators. But they weren't like her. She knew she was strong enough. She could feel it in her soul.

She watched her sister carefully, and despite what she felt, Saga knew she had to convince her and see reason. Corbie had given her words of wisdom, and Saga would be damned if she didn't listen and something happened to her sister because she hadn't tried hard enough. So when Haydee spoke, asking her what Corbie said, the steel in her sister's gaze was notable, and Saga returned it with a steel gaze of her own, but also filled with love. “She gave me advice that we would be wise to follow. She said she’d do what she could to mediate the situation…and that she wishes we had come to her sooner…” Had she known (or rather, remembered Corbie sooner), she would have asked her sister to go see her instead of running to the neighbors. She figured maybe it was a convenience factor…or maybe because the wolves of The Hallows had helped them before, but still…

“She also said that she was going to go and speak to them. That you are welcome to find sanctuary with her if you need it and…that she would extend the same offer to Gil…” She huffed at that remark, but it wasn’t her decision, and she had a feeling that Gil would be a fool to try anything within Avalon. “…Sis, I think you should take her up on that offer. I know you don’t want us to risk ourselves, but we are choosing to stand by your side. You're my sister no matter what, and I’ll be damned if I stand by and let you and mom take the brunt of all this! I may not be a wolf, but I am a bear. I have the strength to protect my family, and that’s what I want to do.”

By now, her resolve was clear. Haydee deserved to live without these burdens, even if for a little while. She needed a break. Their mother needed a break. They deserved some goddamn happiness! And if Saga could give them that, why not?  “Please Hay…let me help. You and mom need a break…” She wanted them to not have to deal with this anymore. For her family to be left alone by those wretched wolves.


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1. Strong For Somebody Else Lazuli Falls 02:24 AM, 04-26-2024 10:54 PM, 09-07-2024