
Strong For Somebody Else


War Chief

Master Fighter (250)

Expert Intellectual (195)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years
Large species
Dragon Mod

Rapid Poster - BronzeCritical Observation!1KOverachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 02:43 AM

She can see the struggle in her sister's green gaze. The swirling emotions that she is sure have been forced upon her by petty, unwanted squabble. It was silly, really. While she understood the gravity of it and that a child got hurt, she still thought it was also the Raiders fault for bringing children to raid a pack that were uninformed of what their intention was. She knew her mother would not have fallen into herself had she known it was for any other reason. Or so she hoped. Both parties had been at fault. Ethne had tried to resolve the issue on more than one occasion. The Raiders refused. And in Saga’s mind, there was no point in being amicable toward them anymore. She still thought they oughta just dump Gil somewhere and let his own wolves handle him, and while she’d probably claim all day long that she’d live and die on that hill, even she knew that she wouldn’t just leave someone to die. Even if she felt they deserved it.

That was why she wanted to try and convince Hay to let her help. The Raiders were being unreasonable, and she felt they were taking advantage of her soft heart, not to mention they acted like they were superior because of Haydee’s age and she swore because of her size, too. Didn’t every alpha start somewhere? Inexperienced and just kinda learning on the fly? Or maybe some were trained for it…surely not all of them were though.

Ah, but her mind was going off track for a moment. It was time to focus back on the here and now. “I can’t leave Ethne now. How can I protect everyone if I am up in Avalon? But… maybe mom can go there. She needs the break more than me… she blames herself for this whole mess.” She watched. Remained silent for a moment as her heart broke for her poor sister. She looked so, so defeated…and she didn’t want to see her like that anymore. “None of us thought about it before, I’m just glad I did before it was too late.” She sure hoped that Corbie would succeed, and if she didn’t? Well, Saga then hoped that she would succeed in what she was going to ask her sister today.

She could see the tears swimming in her sister's eyes, and it drove Saga to reach out with a massive paw and pull her sister in for a warm embrace, one she was sure Haydee desperately needed. “Let me protect you and mom. Let me protect Ethne. I may not be a wolf, but I’m sure I can lead just as well as one.” She let the words sit in the air, hoping her sister understood what she was asking. “Whether you and mom are here, or not, let me help protect the pack for however long you need.”


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1. Strong For Somebody Else Lazuli Falls 02:24 AM, 04-26-2024 10:54 PM, 09-07-2024