
Colors In The Water


09-27-2013, 03:58 PM

She would remain silent ad still until the man decided to speak. She was still a bit weary of this male despite her sudden attraction toward him, which was natural due to her past. She knew she needed to be more careful, and right now was the perfect time to do so. He would come forward, attempting to press his nose against hers, and for a moment she hesitated, but then relaxed. His moisture mixed with hers, and a smile creased her features. He was so sweet, so caring, so ready to do anything and everything for her. Why? He barley knew her, he had no idea how many skeletons slept in her closet. Why would he be so giving, so willing, so amazing? She sighed, her gaze turning away from his own. Why did he have to do this? Why did he of all wolves have to be there for her? She wasn't used to this, she hadn't felt this much compassion and loyalty since her mother. No one had bothered to truly make her feel better, no one had bothered to take the pain away. Now here this random boy was, practically giving her his life to mold within her paws. Why? "That is very sweet of you Drake, but I must ask you, why? Why do you want to save me, why do you want to cast away my demons and bring me into the light? Why me?" She would ask gently, her gaze rising to meet his again. She just wanted to know why.
