
Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

Gilgamesh Retrieval


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

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3 Years
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Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
04-26-2024, 10:57 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2024, 12:05 PM by Scald. Edited 2 times in total.)
- Ethne raid on Raiders concludes, everyone returns home.
- In this time, Ashen falls and Raiders move to Cryer’s Ravine, Modesty & Gil take a short vacay, Mod gets pregnant.
- Then Modesty, Siduri, and Gil venture to Auster to seek aid from The Hallows. Gil veers to Ethne to confront Haydee.
- Gil is injured by Saga, Kenway sees it and runs to inform Modesty.
- Once Modesty is informed, she runs home to inform the Raiders of what has transpired.
- Haydee & co run after to the Hallows where Saga veers off to go to Avalon to seek help.
- The raiders come up with a plan to get Gil back.
- Artorias calls the alphas for a meeting. Haydee, Bellamy and Modesty attend the meeting.
- Scald & co go with Modesty, split off at Hallows territory to go to Ethne.
- Now we are here: Scald and co enter Ethne territory to retrieve Gilgamesh while the meeting is still transpiring.

Raiders allowed to attend: Deluge, Dread, Sakana, and Ignis.

The group followed Modesty away from Raider lands and across the Bifrost. Once they neared the border of The Hallows, they split off from the Raid King to start their own quest. Obtaining the body of Gilgamesh was important, dead or alive. Even if the others didn't care for it, Scald wanted to give his father a proper burial or at least ensure he would live... Hopefully live. His confidence about his father's life is thin, but there just enough that it helps propel him forward to Ethne borders.

Finding the lands where Ethne resided wasn't difficult. The boom of the waterfall could be heard from the outskirts of the trees. A few feet before his paws cross the territory border, Scald tips back his head to alert the members of Ethne that they have arrived. Without waiting for an escort, Scald moves through the forest. Kenway's directions were fuzzy at best, but from the sounds of it, Ethne had not allowed their father to go far into their territory.

The stark scent of healing supplies and blood alert him to a small clearing. Slowing pace, he glances back at the group, giving them a stern glare before entering the space. There a small hut crudely built over his father's body stands and he's not surprised someone is there either guarding or tending to his wounds. Coming to a stop, Scald glances from the Ethne member to the weakened body of Gilgamesh. Surprise crosses his features, unable to speak for a moment.

Clearing his throat, he turns his attention back to the other wolf. "We've come to retrieve Gilgamesh. He should be stable enough by now to be moved," Scald is direct and stern, there would be no arguing with him. Turning to look at his group, he nods his head toward where Gil lay. "Sakana, I want you at his head. Make sure we don't kill him in the process of getting him up. Everyone else, just uh pick a part and lift carefully," his muzzle wrinkles slightly with uncertainty, "I'll get the sheet under him so it'll be easier to get him up into the cart," he says, voice trying to stay confident as he takes the tanned skin sheet out from the cart and begins to carry it over to Gil.

Scald Fallen

table coding by bunni ♥

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1. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor Lazuli Falls 10:57 AM, 04-26-2024 01:42 PM, 05-09-2024