
Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't let the dead bite

Jupiter I


7 Years
09-27-2013, 04:06 PM

Up until he spoke, her mind wandered to the previous fights she'd been engaged in, conscience churning over her own tactics of initiating a battle. From circling and closing in with the stealthiest of slight progression (as she'd done with the spar with Elphaba) to throwing herself at her opponent after a moment of calm to try and catch them off guard (as she'd done with her first fight with Kaios), Jupiter had been able to act upon all ends of the spectrum and now expected this 'Oddity' to take one of those two routes. For simplicity's sake, she tensed and shifted her weight to her front legs, edging her powerful back legs out to allow for her claws to dig into the earth, as she prepared for the latter option of the two, audits tucking back fully after she nodded in response to his terms. She had noted Medusa's words with only a silent flick of the ear before then, ensuring that she kept her concentration on her newfound opponent's movements and stance.

The dark brute wasted no time in charging her head-on and a smirk played habitually upon her features at the predicted move. She steeled herself for the impact, front legs spreading just a tad as all of her weight was put upon them. A part she hadn't expected in his move, however, was the lift of his front paws from the ground as he tried to place them upon her shoulders. Immediately she found him engaging the two of them into an excruciatingly awkward position as he also made a move towards her face with his teeth. She raised her head quickly but minutely as he rose up, turning it and her neck to the right after she bore his weight upon her shoulders (mostly upon her right side), setting her positioning so that her head was higher than his pressing left foreleg. The force of his momentum caused her body to rock back a bit as she kept her paws in the same place, only kicking her right hind leg a little further out and mostly putting her weight there to act as leverage against his force and keep her rooted to the spot.

He began to thrash immediately in an attempt to jostle her about and it was here that she tried to press forward, having the advantage of power with him having only two legs on the ground to keep him there. She would try her best to advance in return with all of her weight being thrown forward and a bit upwards with her legs, hoping to tip him backwards in some way--hopefully in a manner that would put him on his back on the ground. Spying the ashen pink scar upon his shoulder, she extended her neck at the slightest to try her best to get to it. Her mouth parted and she aimed to sink her front canines--both top and bottom--into the scar tissue, relishing the chance to get a bite in that wouldn't be blocked by an excess of fur.

Between the shifting of her head and the proximity of her face to his shoulder (due to her head having been lowered in the first place), his attack on her features missed its mark and instead his teeth found the upper side of her left neck, near the front of its length and her skull. His bite pierced through about a quarter inch past her fur and into her flesh and she hissed at the feeling but would persist in her own movements. Her tail remained even to provide her as much balance as possible in her mobile and strength-oriented strategy. His thrashing did very little due to her solid stance except that it caused more damage to his bite as he dug into her flesh, but Jupiter wouldn't be surprised if he ended up disrupting his balance or hurting himself more than he hurt her in the wild movements.

round 1/4

jupiter vs. oddity for ludicael

ATTACKS: Goes for the left side of his scar that stretches to his left shoulder with her teeth. Throws her weight forward and a bit upwards by kicking off with all of her legs after taking his impact. She does this to try and push him and flip him over onto his back.

DEFENSES: Shifts weight to front of her body to better stand her ground against his attacks; kicks her right back leg out behind her as he puts his weight on her to counter the slight backwards roll of everything but her paws/legs, focusing some of her weight there to make it easier; ears still pinned; tail still even. Neck no longer scrunched as she sacrifices this defense to be able to try and get at his shoulder.

INJURIES: Though it's pending in severity based on Oddity's next moves, she will receive a painful, 1/4th-inch-deep wound on the upper top of her neck that will likely scar.

OOC: Sei and I both worked the odd positioning out and came to the conclusion that it's just awkward. XD Here are my diagrams of Jupiter and Oddity: Jupiter before his attacks and where his landed and their overhead-view positioning after her head-move. And after I drew those, Sei confirmed by adding where Oddity would be to her original position.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.