
lets try this one more time

insomnia pack hunt


"All my troubles on the burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile."


Master Fighter (355)

Master Hunter (285)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Hawk-Eyed Hawk-Eyed

1 Year
Extra large

Double MasterScarredSnake EyesRapid Poster - Gold
04-26-2024, 02:34 PM

Redrum absorbed Medusa's instructions with focused attention, his golden eyes glowing in determination as he prepared himself for his role in the hunt. He exchanged a glance with Gruesome, silently affirming their shared mission with a grin. With a nod to his mother, he signaled his readiness to carry out his part in the plan with a flick of a long ear – like a roger that.

As they approached the herd, Redrum's senses sharpened to a needle point, his heart racing with the upcoming thrill of the chase. He moved with stealth, his crimson fur not quite blending into the surrounding grasslands as he followed Medusa's lead. The anticipation built within him, a coiled spring of energy waiting to be unleashed. So when Medusa initiated the distraction, Redrum sprang into action. With a growl, he darted forward, his agile form weaving between the towering legs of the giraffes. His focus was laser-sharp, his sole objective to draw the attention of the adults away from the vulnerable calf. He had to be careful, moving as light as a feather so he could carry out the plan.

As the giraffes reacted to Medusa's harassment, Redrum danced on the periphery, his movements like a knife through butter. He barked and snapped at their heels, herding them away from the target. His heart pounded with exhilaration as he played his part in the orchestrated chaos, fully committed to the success of the hunt. He was a born hunter, after all.


Redrum speaks in third person, known as illeism.
He deals with neurological issues from head trauma,
Causing disruptions in speech and movement,
Making him appear twitchy, with uncontrollable tics affecting every muscle.

Assume he isn't wearing his skull mask unless specified.

Thread Move Log
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1. lets try this one more time Dancefloor of the Gods 10:28 PM, 01-31-2024 01:28 PM, 06-20-2024