
Bilgewater Baptism


The Syndicate

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3 Years
04-26-2024, 06:07 PM
With her body aching from the recent ordeal and her shoulders and neck throbbing with a constant, visceral pain, Delaeni staggered her way to the black rock beach. The cold rush of ocean water lapping over her paws was a stark contrast to the searing agony she felt throughout her body. The salty air filled her lungs, a distraction from the harsh reality she had just endured.

Painstakingly, she entered the water, the chill of it sending shivers through her weakened frame. The sun was beginning its descent on the horizon, casting long shadows across the otherwise empty beach. Gritting her teeth against the sting of saltwater on her wounds, Delaeni slowly lowered herself until she was submerged to her waist. She allowed the waves to wash over her, the salt stinging and cleansing her wounds as each crashing wave brought both wretched pain and fleeting relief. Washing away the physical remnants of Sephiran's assault, Delaeni found no solace in the purification process. What had occurred was not something that could be simply cleansed away- it never could be. The echoes of his harsh words and cruel laughter seemed to linger in the air, the burning sensation of fresh bite wounds, and of course the overwhelming scent of him and his lust. His presence still a haunting specter that hung over her like a shadow. Dipping beneath the surface, she let the cold waters envelop her completely, drowning out the world above. The salty water filled her mouth and nose, stinging her eyes yet providing a strange sense of tranquility. As her lungs began to burn for air, she found a fleeting moment of silence that seemed untouched by the cacophony of fear and trauma that usually pervaded her thoughts.

Rising back to the surface, she sputtered and inhaled deeply, the sharp intake feeling like a small victory amidst her circumstances. Delaeni treaded water for some time, letting the waves rock and cradle her. Her body had grown numb in the freezing water … but there was some gentle ease in feeling nothing at all.

"Delaeni Terblanche"

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1. Bilgewater Baptism The Polar Sound 06:07 PM, 04-26-2024 03:58 PM, 06-10-2024