
'Cause I'm addicted -OPEN-


02-06-2013, 06:26 PM
?Is this yours? A voice called to Zarzenova. Looking at the noise, a wolf hovered over a blood stained carcass. On alert Zarzenova spoke in a mocking tone. ? Of course not, why would I eat someone else?s carrion?? It wasn?t hers, and really the thought disgusted her; eating someone?s left overs food. Zarzenova now had been alone for quite some time since moving. She felt slightly awkward and put off; this wolf in fact reminded her so much of herself. Picking her way through the snow; edging closer to the beast. She felt no fear, fear was a weakness and it was something to be forgotten like yesterday?s memories. With hackles slightly raised, a growl dying in her throat. What is your name beast? She asked not so politely. As she awaited an answer Zarzenova took this character in; a black coat covered the wolfs frame, whilst it had eyes of red. They ranged in different height and bulk. Zarzenova was the smallest of the pair. As this beast had bulk, and muscle. She herself looked frail. By all means she was not muscle deprived, but she did not carry the mass bulk like others of her species. For a moment she forgot the wolf in black. Thinking back to a time long ago, when she was but a pup. This in turn made her bitterly think of her father and how he had betrayed her by giving away her heir ship to that Kaien. It didn?t make sense; ruefully she scorned her father?s name. The jay called again, bringing her from the trance. What an idiot you are Zar! No wonder you weren?t crowned! Foolish, idiotic girl! Hashing herself, tearing down her wall she built. Brick by brick; stone by stone. Breaking her esteem like her father once had. Old habits die hard. With eyes of anger; Zarzenova watched her visitor with wariness. This game, the game of cat and mouse was an addiction?One learned long ago.

Word count//335
Listened to// Of Monsters and Men
Notes// Kind of crappy. Sorry :c