
Swept Away



04-29-2024, 01:17 AM

The creature that followed Bay out of the water might have required a second look... maybe a third by the time her trimmed back end made it clear of the waves, exposing the transition in her coat from vibrant pink to green. Slender legs were accented with thick corded feathers, her bangles and bells tinkling as she shook her mane like coat dry, the sad moppy end of her tail continued to leave a wet trail in her wake. Despite her bedraggled and unkempt appearance, the girl was upbeat, tongue lolling happily from the side of her mouth as she followed her new friend from the waves.

She barked before dropping her head and racing to catch up, sand flying in her wake. A bedraggled and belligerent raccoon waddled along after her, no doubt dreading needing to dry and separate the cords that made up her coat when they finally settled for the night, but according to Bay, they had a ways to go yet. It wouldn't do either of them any good to have her getting distracted by something cute or interesting smelling on the way there. Tansy would do her best to keep her focus.

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1. Swept Away Faller's Fjord 12:27 AM, 04-29-2024 12:42 PM, 07-16-2024