
Binding Fate



The Syndicate
Effendi- Dhaka

Master Fighter (360)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

5 Years
Extra large

Ooh La La
04-30-2024, 04:11 PM
Peering into the darkness of the abyss, Rhazien’s eyes were still adjusting to the bleak lighting. Beyond the diminutive frame of the male was a cluster of mushrooms, having flourished in the damp setting of the cave system. To the older male, they didn’t mean much; his knowledge of herbs was beginner at best. But to the herbalists of the pack, and apparently this male, they were a resource worth investigating.

Phantom’s voice broke through the silence, disrupting the tranquility of the labyrinth, as it amplified through the corridors and blended with the backdrop of dripping water from stalactites. His comment made Rhazien’s smirk pull tighter, the tips of his obsidian-plated fangs shimmering in the low lighting. “No, I haven’t come to fight you.” He says, exuding an aura of honesty as he slowly reclines into a seated position. Despite his sudden appearance, Rhazien is disarmingly affable, but his demeanor reeks of confidence and assurance. Typical traits of a Saxe male in power.

Turning his snout to the closest passageway, he releases a low woof- a command that will echo through the labyrinth, enhanced by the natural acoustics of the winding walls to reach the ears of the tigress patrolling its depths. Bring the boy a meal. Then, Rhazien turns back to Phantom, watching him with a close, analytical eye. “Azoula will bring you something shortly.” A short pause. “She is our Sidi handler, and will watch over your wellbeing." Of course, he wasn’t going to elaborate on the other tasks she was in charge of - like making sure the Sidi could fuck the soul out of their masters and keep them entertained.

“My name is Rhazien. I am Sephiran’s lead politician.” Nodding his head to the boy, he prompts him for an introduction. Then, he moves on to the burning question eating away at his mind. “You must have heard the rumors of our pack's upbringing - of the savages who rule this domain.” Those piercing, multi-hued eyes are staring down at the male, a glimmer of mischief dancing inside of them. “And yet, you approached our borders.” And in his eyes, there is also a cold, calculating intelligence- a mind that lusts for deception and manipulation. “Why?” Curiosity is there too, eating away at his thoughts like a disease. Certainly, this male hadn’t approached their pack hoping to become a Sidi. What had been his motivator?  

"Rhazien Saxe"
Caution: Rhazien is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.
Assume his companions, Zemir and Zemra, are present in his threads unless specified otherwise.