
This Is A Seasonal


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

3 Years
04-30-2024, 09:16 PM

In the moonlit night, Kaino, a lavender and smoke colored fae, prowled through the dense underbrush around the wall. Her keen, mint and ice colored eyes scanned her surroundings, searching for any sign of prey. On the wind the bob-tailed woman scented ungulates. Antelope, specifically. Kaino moved quietly, each step achingly slow, until she had the herd in her sights. The antelope grazed nearby, utilizing the unnatural shine of the moon, and seemed oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows.

As Kaino moved closer, the moon's brilliance illuminated the landscape, casting long shadows and making it much easier for the purple, grey and silver woman to blend in with her surroundings. The only thing making her stand out was the vibrant pair of eyes staring out of the shrubbery. The antelope, though nervous, relied on its acute senses to detect any hint of danger. Its ears twitched at the slightest rustle, its nostrils flared to catch the scent of predators. Being downwind, Kaino remained undetected, her scent being pushed away from the antelope rather than towards them.

Hunting at night posed numerous challenges for Kaino. The lack of light made it harder to judge distances accurately. Shadows played tricks on her perception, making it challenging to anticipate the movements of her prey. Despite her exceptional night vision, Kaino had to rely on her other senses—sound, smell, and instinct—to compensate for the lack of daylight.

Silently, Kaino crept closer to the unsuspecting antelope, her powerful muscles coiled and ready to strike. But the rolling hills were alive with activity, the night filled with the sounds of rustling grass and distant calls of both nocturnal and diurnal creatures. Any sudden movement could alert the antelope and send it bolting away to safety.

Moreover, the moon's brightness made it easier for the antelope to spot potential threats. Its eyes scanned the surroundings with remarkable clarity, making it more challenging for Kaino to approach undetected. Every step had to be calculated, every movement precise, to avoid triggering the antelope's flight response.

Despite the obstacles, Kaino remained determined. With patience and perseverance, she closed the gap between herself and her prey, mismatched eyes fixed on the chosen antelope with unwavering focus. She waited for the perfect moment to strike, biding her time as the tension in the air grew thicker with anticipation.

Suddenly, a night bird called out, the sound echoing through the stillness of the night. The antelope's head snapped up, its eyes widening in alarm as it sensed the imminent danger. With a startled snort, it bolted away, its hooves pounding against the grassy floor as it vanished into the darkness with the rest of its herd.

Kaino let out a frustrated growl, her chance at a meal slipping away. She watched the retreating form of the antelope with a mixture of disappointment and resignation. Despite her best efforts, the night had proven to be a formidable adversary, testing her skills and patience at every turn.

With a heavy sigh, Kaino turned and disappeared into the shadows, her hunger still gnawing at her belly. But as the moon continued to cast its silver glow upon the land, she knew that another opportunity would soon present itself. The night was young.

Rolling her neck and shoulders to rid her body of the unused energy, she continued along the edge of the wall, sticking to the shadows. She stopped at a little stream to wet her parched tongue, then began prowling the area for more prey. Perhaps she would find something even more appealing and tasty than the antelope. Why were antelope even this far north in the first place? It was ridiculous.

Blue eyes caught sight of a large rack of antlers and, as the purple lady drew closer, she noted the head of a lone deer lifting and lowering as it fed at the sweet grasses. The bright moonlight was a prime opportunity for the herbivores of the land to squeeze in extra grazing time. The buck was a little too far out and there wasn't enough cover for Kaino to realistically make a kill, so the wolf hunkered down on her belly and watched her intended prey through a break in the long grass. She was patient. A predator had to be. The failed attempt at the antelope was unfortunate, but she had a good feeling about this buck.

As the deer shifted, Kaino noted that its front right leg was shredded and all but useless. Oh, that made things a lot more interesting. A three legged deer was still a little fast, but nearly as much as one fully in tact. Counting herself lucky, Kaino burst from her hiding place. The deer leaped forward and began to hobble off, but to no avail. The lavender and smoke woman pursued, curling around the bucks side to leap up and sink her teeth into its throat. The buck grunted and fell, but with one bum leg, it stood no chance. (Stood no chance. Get it?)

WC- 835
Despite being absolutely adorable, Kaino is an adult character that indulges in adult situations. Viewer discretion advised.
[Image: fGJURoI.png]

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1. This Is A Seasonal The Wall 09:16 PM, 04-30-2024 12:26 PM, 07-16-2024