
Learning to breath again

Jericho- fighting seasonal



Advanced Fighter (110)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
04-30-2024, 10:56 PM

With the passing of Baecette many of his siblings had withdrawn, choosing to hide away from the world and all of its terrible problems that it keeps giving to them. Jericho was no different and the yearling can often be found in his own, small den, in the Falls territory, howling himself hoarse about all the injustices in his young life. All the while, the world continues to turn without his brother in it. Death is never an easy thing and this is the boy’s first real experience with it, which makes all the more difficult.

Night falls in tranquil silence around the Falls and Jericho slips out from his den, tracing pathways underneath the star-studded sky until he finds himself near the top of the falls. Anger mars his normally gentle features, hate for the Raiders and the fact they had kept him away from his brother is in his final moments filling his face and morphing him into... something not quite right. While it is not necessarily their fault, Jericho needs someone to place the blame on and everyone else seems to already be angry at them… so why not?

Emotions swell in his chest, choking him with confusion as he comes to a stop at the top of the falls where a gentle wind tickles the grass and plays through his fur. The boy wants to scream, to lash out at someone, anyone just he can make them hurt as much as he does right now. Head tilts back, ready to unleash a scream filled with all of the rage that burns like coals in his chest when the sky suddenly comes alive.

While the stars had been shining their heavenly light upon the earth and the silver goddess was lending her rays just moments before are now obscured by bright ribbons of light. Jaw drops open as he watches as vibrant greens bleed into startling blues while the dancing bands of light mesmerize him. Awe replaces the anger as he watches the phenomena, thinking how much Baecette would have loved to see this.

Sorrow slams into him at thought of his missing brother and Jericho suddenly wonders where his other siblings are. They all have drifted their own ways since their brother’s passing when they should have all rallied together and been a true family, supporting each other with love. Underneath the beauty and majesty of the unexpected light show, the youth realizes that all his anger has been misplaced. With the passing of his brother, he had felt abandoned and afraid of losing more of his family so he had retreated and become mad at everything.

The glow that the aurora casts down on the mortals below, illuminates his face and washes away the despair that had been rooted deep in his chest that had darkened his view of the world. With a sigh, a smiles appears, wiggling his lips as he realizes that he feels light for the first time in since his brother’s funeral. A summons from his father catches his ear and Jericho hears in it, the opportunity to learn how to better protect their loved ones.

Determination enters his form and he quickly treks his way back down the path and goes to his den, shrugging on his armor and attaching the scabbard to his shoulder, the boy then races out to where his father waits. Skidding to a stop in the clearing in front of his father, the boy looks up to Bae-Syl and admires the way the undulating lights above them make his rainbow markings seem to glow.

Pale, white eyes peer up at the older man and Jericho softly says, “I’m here dad. Please, teach me how to be a better protector.” Maybe, just maybe, if he had fought harder in the first raid, then there would have been no need for them to go on the second raid. And maybe, just maybe Baecette would have been surrounded by his family when he had passed. Features are gentle yet filled with resolve as he gazes at his father while the dancing lights hang brilliantly around his dark shoulders.

WC: 690
Total WC: 1051 / 1500

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"

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1. Learning to breath again Lazuli Falls 07:06 PM, 04-29-2024 10:54 PM, 09-07-2024