
Learning to breath again

Jericho- fighting seasonal



Advanced Fighter (110)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
05-01-2024, 04:44 AM

Jericho peers up at his father as the aurora above them gives the older male an ever-changing halo of color. Shadows jump and lengthen, creating illusions and tricks to the boy’s pale eyes that are both amazing and frightening. Yet, with the extra light above them, the night has brightened and perfectly illuminates every curve of muscle on his father’s form. At the smirk that Bae-Syl offers, the boy arches a dark brow and silently takes in the offered words. With his armor and dagger, it hardly seems a fair fight but, ever the obedient son, he simply says, “As you wish.”

The lights above are reflected in the glow on their fur, chasing away the darkness that would normally accompany the night as he watches the way his father’s muscles tense underneath the Southern Lights. Easily he falls into his defensive stance, muscles responding with the fluidity that comes from persistent practice. Bea-Syl breathes and moves, releasing the energy he had coiled in one quick, explosive moment and Jericho reads his posture, the way his weight shifts, and the angle from which he comes at him

Without a sound, he shifts, paws whispering across the still grass as he dances away from the attack, ducking down and to the side to avoid the taller body of his father. The obsidian dagger remains sheathed as he immediately shifts forward, jaws opening as he reaches up to seek and try and grab ahold of his father’s throat, directly underneath his jaw line. At the same time, one front leg shoots out, aiming to try and hook around one of the older male’s so that he might pull it toward him and out from under Bae-Syl.

Heart thunders in his chest as he moves to attack his father, hoping to take him down so that he may earn the story that had been promised. The lights cast their green and blue hues onto the pair’s coats, making Bae-Syl’s markings appear to jump and dance with a life of their very own. Beauty surrounds them as they fight and Jericho takes heart that, no matter the outcome, he has tried his best.

WC: 359
Total WC: 1651 / 1500

"Jericho Agatsuma-Kedieo"

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1. Learning to breath again Lazuli Falls 07:06 PM, 04-29-2024 10:54 PM, 09-07-2024