
The Indigos

Hala's Family ♥



Pride - Demisexual
05-01-2024, 03:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2024, 11:17 AM by Disaster. Edited 2 times in total.)
  • Parents
  • Lastat Indigo (alive) (father)
  • Kikimora Indigo (deceased) (mother)

  • Orobas Indigo (alive)(brother)
  • Achyla Indigo (deceased)(brother)
  • Ubel Indigo (alive)(brother)
  • Doyle Indigo (alive)(half sister)
  • Samira Vensul (alive)(adopted sister)

Lastat is a completely black male with auburn undertones. His eyes are what would be the striking part. Right eye would mostly be teal and the other a dark blue oceanic colors think of. He has a few markings of the same tones upon his legs. He is bigger than the others and well highly strict and hard on his children as well as his adopted daughter Samira. He is older around seven years maybe eight.

Orobas is a dark grey with black markings. He is almost like his sister Hala with his slender frame. And about as tall as his father. His eyes are a dark orange. He is protective over little Samira (has a soft spot for the younger woman).

Ubel is the odd ball. A white male, a streak of chocolate runs from the tip of his nose to his tail. His left hind leg is also covered in the same mud color, but his eyes are the most gentle although their cold and souless many would say with eyes that matches their fathers.

Doyles design is made already, if wanted. Remember to read Hala's past for mentions of her and Samira.

Samira Vensul the youngest of them all. Being adopted before Kikimora had fallen ill. Her design is completely up to the player. Read Hala's past for parts and mentions of Samira.