
Dealing With the Devil


09-27-2013, 08:59 PM

He was silent, and icy hand slowly closing around his heart as he watched the scene unfold before him with a distant chill. His expression would remain neutral, cold and dead as he remained the immovable structure that backed Isardis with unwavering loyalty. He would watch, he would listen but he would not speak up as the higher ranked members worked on destroying any spirit and confidence Azalea might have had when she had first come here. Even as their words slipped out he could watch the fire in her eyes die slowly and it almost killed him. Sendoa's words drifted faintly towards him, he only caught a few of her whispered words but he understood the basic idea of it. She would deal with Gideon so Isa could deal with Aza. This was where Vixe would finally step up, clearing his throat and tipping his head. "If the king would like I could watch the new prisoner while he is busy. She seems..." He paused a bit for effect and eyed Azalea almost cautiously. "More like a runner then the other prisoner..." He said slowly, as if he was enjoying watching Azalea's hopes get crushed before his eyes. Who knew he could be such a good actor... He had planned to offer before but this seemed like a more suitable idea. He would make sure she stayed with him both to make sure she didn't leave and anger his lord and to make sure no one hurt her.
