
A pleasant outing


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
05-02-2024, 04:47 PM

Lately, Haydée has found herself feeling even more worthless and small because of everything that has transpired between Ethne and the Raiders. With all the ill-will and just general horribleness of the situation, Saga has taken the reins of the pack to help her and, with the shift of power, has adopted a name to try and erase the bad image that Ethne had become. Shoulders sag inward as she mentally berates herself for that too, wishing that she had been a better Leader for her pack mates.

Sunlight trickles through the canopy of trees, dappling her russet coat and spilling pools of light onto the ground. Birds trill from the branches above, singing happy songs of sun-filled days and youth while the despondent young woman wanders aimless underneath them. A scent catches her nose, curious, strange, and definitely inside of the pack’s territory. With a sigh, the weary, former Leader, changes direction, heading toward the stranger to incept them and see what they want.

Small paws tread softly across the grass as a wind teases the branches overhead, causing them to wave and cause the sunlight to dance across her form. Haydée stays downwind, carefully and quietly picking her way toward the trespassers in case they wish harm on the pack. Yet, as she goes, she realizes that they have not moved and her natural curiosity begins to replace the trepidation and wariness that had swelled with the notion of yet another uninvited guest.

It is easy for her to slip close to the felines, her tiny form effortless slipping from one bush to another with only the softest of rustles to alert them of her passing. Keen emerald eyes watch from her hiding her place as the largest of the cats sets up a strange box and places a set of weird, glass things on his nose. With great astonishment, she watches as he picks up a brush, his flexible digits effortless holding it while he begins to write across the surface of his parchment.

Mesmerized, she watches him write, jealous of how effortless it is for him to it with his paws. Haydée is no stranger to books, using them to help broaden her mind and learn how to lead the pack better… or, at least, she had. Sorrow tugs at her heart and, as the smaller cats begin to converse among themselves, the former Leader decides to approach the trio. Summoning up her courage, the small wolf emerges into the warm light of the day and gives a very soft, ‘woof’ to alert them of her presence without meaning to startle them.

Paws slowly pull her forward as she keeps her head low and her body relaxed. While these feline’s have trespassed, they obviously do not mean any harm and she will greet them as scholars and wandering artists. A warm smile tugs at her lips as she comes to a stop a respectful distance away and gently inquires, “Hello! What are you writing?” Tone is curious and light as she attempts to peer at the paper that the largest of the cats has been drawing on while her head tilts slightly to the side.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. A pleasant outing Cattail Creek 02:55 AM, 04-22-2024 10:51 PM, 09-07-2024