
Ashes of an Empire

Alpha meeting by invitation


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
05-02-2024, 05:48 PM

As Haydée sits at the large table, marveling at the metal effigies laid out across the map, the appearance of Modesty rattles her. Ears slick back in annoyance as the woman oozes fake goodwill and words, moving the effigy of the Raiders to a new land before deciding to plop herself down on the chair next to her own. The smaller woman pointedly ignores the Raider woman, turning her emerald gaze to Artorias who had called them all here. While she does not appreciate Modesty’s presence, she trusts to the Lord of the castle and, if he is confident having her here, then Hay will be respectful and polite.

Artorias begins the meeting, speaking of Norad and the wolves who had risen to power, naming them as the Syndicate. Green gaze moves to the silver hooded cobra, glaring daggers at it as if that was the one causing all the troubles. At the news of Ashen falling, her eyes widen and shoot back to Art, alarm written clearly on her face. She had known that they were powerful and had even tried to reach out to form an alliance but Chimera had deemed them too small to be worthy of being an ally to Ashen… no matter the fact that Venom had been open to the talks before. Still, Ashen falling, willingly to boot, is a shock.

Still surprised by the latest piece of news, she tries to order her thoughts to inform the group of what exactly had happened between the Syndicate and Norad while Basilisk speaks. Then Modesty takes center stage, speaking about her murdered husband and Haydée turns toward the Raider with a mixture of confusion and irritation. Of course, they are met with violence, they seek to steal without alerting the pack to the fact that they don’t want to be attacked. To her, it feels hypocritical but she bites her tongue and stays silent, allowing the woman to speak and show just how silly she is being.

Once she is done, the woman informs her that there is someone waiting for her after this and then leaves the room, leaving a shocked Haydée in her wake. Unable to speak, the small girl from the Viking pack talks and then silence falls, stretching thin as she watches the door, that Modesty had left through. Mouth pumps a few times before she softly says, “He isn’t dead.” Looking to Artorias, emotions war in her eyes as she repeats, “But he isn’t dead. We have been taking care of him. Why… why does she think he is dead?”

Suddenly, the lost little Leader remembers where she is and gathers herself, pulling composure and calm onto her face even as she feels her stomach sour. Looking to the other alphas, Haydée returns to the reason they are here and explains as if Modesty had never been here, “Norad was our ally and this group stole a child to take over the pack. Beauregard, the former alpha, has implored us not to seek retribution for fear of them killing his children.” Looking to Artorias, she says, “I do not doubt that they mean to bad things and Ethne will stand with any and all packs that seek to stop this threat.”

Turning her attention back to the other alphas, Haydée gives a soft sigh and lowers her gaze, saying, “The Raiders Hollow hate us for accidents that have happened on our lands. They do not care that they trespassed or sought personal harm on me, all they care about is revenge.” Taking a deep breath, she lifts her gaze and meets the eyes of every alpha as she softly informs them, “I have been overwhelmed with all the events surrounding this bad-will between Ethne and the Raiders. Because of it, my sister, Saga, will be taking charge of Ethne for a while. She is strong and we will continue to be an ally for all those in need.”

With her piece said, Haydée falls silent, eyes dropping to the effigy of Ethne as she wonders if everyone gathered will hate her now.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Ashes of an Empire Amron's Castle 03:59 PM, 04-09-2024 04:53 PM, 07-18-2024