
goodbye and goodnight


09-28-2013, 12:05 AM

He had left Azalea in the overhang, giving her the space she had needed to sleep but not letting her out of his presence. Isa had given him a task and though it hurt him to follow it he would do so without question or remorse. The beast had left her as she had drifted off, promising to be near by and to give a shout if she needed him but if he didn't hear her then he would return in a few hours. The overhang was part of a snow bank that was steep enough that he would hear her trying to climb it or she would come close enough that he would hear her trying to sneak off. Though after their talk that day he doubted she would try to leave. She was as loyal to her pack as he was to his so he trusted her enough to know she wouldn't run, she couldn't run if she didn't want Isa to hunt both her and the male hostage they had let go in exchange for her down. She belonged to him now and there was nothing their either of them could do about it.

A sigh slipped from his lips, luminescent green eyes sliding closed as he enjoyed the crisp night air. He couldn't do anything.... That thought settled over him as he sat there and waited. He was high enough of a rank to have a purpose but low enough to not be able to do anything he wanted to do in this pack. He had wanted to do nothing more then fight beside Isa, to protect him and prove himself to the male that had finally given the young lad a purpose in life. It wasn't so much a higher rank her yearned for, it was the ability to make a change, to be even more of a help. The ghost of a male had given him a home when he had been lost, given him a job when he had been useless. For that he had no desire to ever betray the male, his heart and mind were set on that. But somewhere in the back a tiny voice screamed at him about Azalea. Funny... it kind of sounded like his mothers voice...

He lifted himself and turned to return to the place he had left Azalea to rest, massive paws making ruts in the snow as he moved. Azalea was hidden well enough now, he had brought her into the den hidden slightly below the overhang but her scent was still there. He didn't care who found out where she was hiding, he wasn't afraid to inform them of who she was and what his job was. He kept that in mind as he sprinted up the bank beside the ledge and then hopped rather nimbly for his size onto the stone ledge. This was where he normally slept even before Azalea had come here. It was out in the elements but he loved the exposure when it wasn't raining or snowing. So he moved and then sat on the ledge, gaze tilted up towards the sky and the almost full moon hanging languidly amongst the stars.
